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Search results for omicron,216 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,216
Translated headword: Olympiodoros, Olympiodorus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Alexandrian philosopher, whose fame [was] widespread.
Proclus the Lycian[1] studied with him, on Aristotelian discourses. "Listening to
Olympiodorus, a man able in speech and because of his facility and aptitude in this being accessible to few of the listeners [...]." "He [sc.
Olympiodorus] felt such admiration for the youth that, since he also had a daughter, she too brought up in philosophy, he pledged her to him."[2]
Greek Original:*)olumpio/dwros, filo/sofos *)alecandreu/s: ou(= kle/os eu)ru/. para\ tou=ton foita=| *pro/klos o( *lu/kios e)p' *)aristotelikoi=s lo/gois. *)olumpiodw/rou de\ a)krow/menos a)ndro\s dunatou= le/gein kai\ dia\ th\n peri\ tou=to eu)koli/an kai\ e)ntre/xeian o)li/gois tw=n a)kouo/ntwn o)/ntos e)fiktou=: h)ga/sqh de\ to\ meira/kion, w(/ste kai\ quga/trion e)/xwn h)gme/non kai\ au)to\ filoso/fws boulhqh=nai au)tw=| kategguh=sai.
Life of Proclus c.9. (The second part of the Suda's quotation precedes the first.) This is
Olympiodorus the elder:
Olympiodorus (12) in RE, to be distinguished from
Olympiodorus (13) the younger (Neoplatonic philosopher).
For three other homonyms see OCD4 s.v.
Olympiodorus(1) [O. the Athenian democratic general of the C4/3 BCE], (2) [O. of Gaza, pupil of Carneades (
kappa 400)] and (3) [O. of Egyptian
Thebes: poet, historian and diplomat of the C4/5].
pi 2473.
[2] Quoted already at
eta 65.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 May 2008@11:27:32.
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