[Meaning] weight.[1]
Sophocles [writes]: "you have come home as a small bulk in a small container".[2] Concerning Orestes' remains. And in
Trachiniae [he writes]: "for what need, otherwise, to nurture a mother's pride?"[3]
Also [sc. attested is the related adjective]
eu)/ogkon ["well-bulked"], [meaning something] easy to move.[4]
*)/ogkos: to\ ba/ros. *sofoklh=s: mikro\s prosh/keis o)/gkos e)n mikrw=| ku/tei. peri\ tw=n *)ore/stou leiya/nwn. kai\ e)n *traxini/ais: o)/gkon ga\r a)/llws o)no/matos ti/ dei= tre/fein mhtrw=|on; kai\ *eu)/ogkon, to\ eu)ba/stakton.
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