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Search results for omicron,141 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,141
Translated headword: elbow
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some [sc. define this as] the bend of the arm [
a)gkw/n]; but no longer the sharp point in the bend of the hand. The spot [is] painful to those wounded in it. But
Aristotle does not [define it as] the bend of the arm [
a)gkw=na], but the sharp point of the hand, and
a)gkw/n the [part] above that.[1] But
Aristophanes calls the bends of the limbs -- that is, of the hands -- elbows [
o)le/krana]. So [it is] clear that he is speaking of the sharp and curved [part] of the arms; the one we ourselves call
a)gkw/n. "May he never stop pulling arrows out from his elbows [
Greek Original:*)ole/kranon: tine\s to\n a)gkw=na: ou)ke/ti de\ to\ e)n th=| kamph=| th=s xeiro\s o)cu/. e)pw/dunos de\ o( to/pos toi=s trwqei=sin ei)s au)to/n. *)aristote/lhs de\ ou) to\n a)gkw=na, a)lla\ to\ e)n kamph=| th=s xeiro\s o)cu/, a)gkw\n de\ to\ u(pe\r e)kei=no. *)aristofa/nhs de\ o)le/krana le/gei ta\ tw=n w)lenw=n krani/a, toute/sti tw=n xeirw=n. dh=lon ou)=n, o(/ti to\ o)cu\ kai\ e)pikampe\s tw=n xeirw=n le/gei: o(\n a)gkw=na fame\n h(mei=s. mhde/pote pau/soit' e)k tw=n o)lekra/nwn a)ki/das e)cairou/menos.
Peace 442-3 (web address 1), with scholion. See also
omicron 142.
[1] This attempts to explain a passage from
Aristotle (possibly
History of Animals 1.493b27, Adler suggests) in which he names the parts of the arms. Beginning at the shoulder (
Aristotle moves down the arm mentioning
w)le/kranon (
o)le/kranon in
ph=xus, (forearm) and ending at the hand (
xei/r). This led the scholiast to conclude that
Aristotle used
a)gkw/n to refer to the point of bone at the end of the elbow in particular, while
o)le/kranon was the actual bending joint.
Aristophanes though, he concludes, combined the two ideas and referred to both parts as
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; medicine; military affairs; philosophy; poetry
Translated by: Amanda Aponte on 17 December 2009@12:07:31.
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