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Search results for omicron,130 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,130
Translated headword: eight-footer, scorpion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Cratinus in
Thracian Girls [says]: "you are waking an eight-footer". Meaning a scorpion.[1] For [there is] a proverb: "you are waking an eight-footed scorpion."[2] And in the
Xantriai of
Aeschylus, the Fury, in calling the divine power on the Bacchants, says: "from the feet a rending rises from below to the top of the head, a wound of the tongue, I mean the dart of the scorpion."[3]
Greek Original:*)oktw/poun: *krati=nos *qra/|ttais: o)ktw/poun a)negei/reis. a)nti\ tou= skorpi/on. paroimi/a ga/r: skorpi/on o)ktw/poun a)negei/reis. e)n de\ tai=s *ai)sxu/lou *cantri/ais h( *lu/ssa e)piqeia/zousa tai=s *ba/kxais fhsi/n: e)k podw=n d' a)/nw u(pe/rxetai sparagmo\s ei)s a)/kron ka/ra, ke/nthma glw/sshs, skorpi/ou be/los le/gw.
Same entry in
Photius (omicron195 Theodoridis), from
Pausanias the Atticist (omicron15).
Cratinus fr. 77 Kock (80 K.-A.). The epithet "eight-footed" is applied to various animals such as the scorpion, the crab, and the octopus: see
omicron 456.
[2] cf.
Diogenianus 8.8 and other paroemiographers, and see generally Tosi [cited under
alpha 378] no.774.
Aeschylus fr. 169 Radt.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; imagery; proverbs; religion; tragedy; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 October 2002@00:35:28.
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