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Adler number: omicron,1091
Translated headword: relish-eating
Vetting Status: high
Translation: and [sc. also attested is] relish-eater: [meaning a] glutton, [someone] consuming relishes.
Philoxenos the son of Leukadios was a relish-eater, and from him the Philoxenian flat-cakes [sc. got their name]. To such a degree was Philoxenos a relish-eater that in public, in the baths, he accustomed his hand to heat by plunging it into hot water and gargled his throat with hot water so that heat made him hard to shift. Also he persuaded the cooks to serve him very hot food. Similar stories are told about
Archytas.[1] And
Crobylus says: "myself, against these excessively hot [foodstuffs] I am holding dactyls veritably Idaean (meaning chilly), and I take pleasure in giving my throat a vapour-bath with [sc. hot] slices of meat".
Greek Original:*)oyofagi/a: kai\ *)oyofa/gos, lai/margos, o)/ya e)sqi/wn. *filo/cenos o( *leukadi/ou e)ge/neto o)yofa/gos, a)f' ou(= kai\ oi( *filoce/neioi plakou=ntes. e)pi\ tosou=ton de\ h)=n o)yofa/gos o( *filo/cenos, w(/ste fanerw=s e)n toi=s balanei/ois th\n xei=ra suneqi/zein proskaqie/nta e)s u(/dwr qermo\n kai\ to\ sto/ma a)nagargarizo/menon qermw=| u(/dati, o(/pws e)n toi=s qermoi=s duski/nhtos h)=|. kai\ tou\s o)yopoiou=ntas u(pepoiei=to, i(/na qermo/tata paratiqw=si. paraplh/sia de\ i(storou=si kai\ peri\ *)arxu/tou. kai\ *krw/bulo/s fhsin: e)gw\ pro\s ta\ qerma\ tau=q' u(perbolh=| tou\s daktu/lous dh/pouqen *)idai/ous e)/xw [a)nti\ tou= yuxrou/s], kai\ to\n fa/rugg' h(/dista puriw= temaxi/ois.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; food; imagery; medicine; mythology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 13 June 2010@07:54:12.
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