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Search results for omicron,1082 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)/oyis
Adler number: omicron,1082
Translated headword: sight
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] seeing.[1]
Also contemplation.
"So the things before the city shone with silver and bronze, and nothing was more delightful for them or appeared more terrible to the enemies than that sight".[2]
[Note] that sight distinguishes the twelve colors:[3] white and black, and the intermediates, [i.e.] yellow and grey, pale, red, blue, purple, bright, dark. Hearing distinguishes a high and low sound, smelling distinguishes good and bad odors, and the intermediates: rotten and wet [odors], whether melted or smoky. Taste distinguishes sweet and bitter flavors, and the intermediates. For there are seven flavors: sweet, bitter, sharp, acrid, astringent (?), spongy (?), salt, sour.[4] Touch distinguishes many things, heavy, light objects, and the intermediates: rough, smooth and the intermediates; dry and wet objects. And the senses are in the head and are peculiarly adapted to the organs and are enclosed by them, but touch passes through the head and the body and is common to every sense.[5]
Look under [the entry] 'senses/sensations'.[6]
Greek Original:
*)/oyis: o(/rasis. kai\ h( qewri/a. ta\ me\n ou)=n pro\ th=s po/lews a)rgu/rw| kai\ xrusw=| periela/mpeto, kai\ th=s o)/yews e)kei/nhs ou)de\n ou)/te toi=s sfete/rois e)piterpe/steron ou)/te toi=s polemi/ois pare/sth foberw/teron. o(/ti h( o)/yis tw=n dw/deka xrwma/twn e)sti\ kritikh/, leukou= kai\ me/lanos kai\ tw=n metacu/, canqou= kai\ faiou=, w)xrou=, e)ruqrou=, kuanou=, a(lourgou=, lamprou=, o)rfni/ou. h( de\ a)koh\ kritikh/ e)stin o)ce/os kai\ bare/os fqo/ggou, h( de\ o)/sfrhsis kritikh\ eu)wdw=n kai\ duswdw=n o)smw=n kai\ tw=n metacu/, shpome/nwn te kai\ brexome/nwn h)\ thkome/nwn h)\ qumiwme/nwn. h( de\ geu=sis kritikh\ gluke/wn te kai\ pikrw=n xumw=n kai\ tw=n metacu\ e#: e(pta\ ga/r ei)si xumoi/, gluku/s, pikro/s, o)cu/s, drimu/s, stufu/s, somfo/s, a(luko/s, strufno/s. h( de\ a(fh\ pleio/nwn e)sti\ kritikh/: bare/wn, kou/fwn kai\ tw=n metacu/: traxe/wn kai\ lei/wn kai\ tw=n metacu/: chrw=n kai\ u(grw=n. kai\ ai( me\n d# ai)sqh/seis e)n th=| kefalh=| ei)si kai\ i)dia/zousin kai\ periklei/ontai o)rga/nois, h( de\ a(fh\ kai\ dia\ th=s kefalh=s kai\ dia\ tou= sw/matos kexw/rhke kai/ e)sti koinh\ pa/shs ai)sqh/sews. zh/tei e)n tw=| ai)sqh/seis.
[1] That is to say, the activity of sight. For this distinction see Aristotle, De anima 426a13-16; 428a6-7.
[2] Quotation not identified by Adler but identifiable via the TLG as Josephus, Jewish War 5.351 (web address 1). See on this Theodoridis' Photius edition, vol.II p.LXXXVI.
[3] Sic -- but only ten will be mentioned.
[4] Photius (next note) mentions seven flavors. The Suda seems to list eight, but the word stufu/s is attested only here (not in Photius or LSJ).
[5] Photius, Bibliotheca 439a39-b16 (Life of Pythagoras), attributing the information to "Pythagoras, Plato, and Aristotle."
[6] alphaiota 326.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 March 2004@13:32:01.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, link) on 3 March 2004@01:55:55.
David Whitehead (cosmetics; raised status) on 3 March 2004@02:56:59.
Catharine Roth (fixed link) on 9 September 2011@00:40:18.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2; more keywords) on 11 October 2011@05:25:55.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; another note; cosmetics) on 4 August 2013@06:48:56.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2013@06:54:55.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 15 March 2021@19:22:56.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 15 March 2021@21:05:27.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation and notes) on 15 March 2021@23:15:41.
Catharine Roth (expanded note 5) on 15 March 2021@23:25:27.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 16 March 2021@18:32:18.


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