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Adler number: omicron,104
Translated headword: the law below
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Aristokrates [sc. uses the phrase].[1] Either he is speaking of the Heliaia, because some of the lawcourts were called "above" and others "below", or, because the character of the writing written on the axones was boustrophedon[2],
Demosthenes is calling the law which began on the left "below";[3] for Euphorion in the
Apollodoros, he[4] says, has shown that the axones and the kyrbeis were written boustrophedon.[5] Alternatively, he says, it is because Ephialtes moved the axones and the kyrbeis from above, from the acropolis, into the council-house and the
agora, as
Anaximenes says in [his]
Philippic [treatise].[6]
[Note][7] that
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Neaira is wrong to say that [the] Plataians were depicted in the Painted Stoa[8]; for nobody has said this.
[Note] that the valuation of Attica was six thousand talents.
Demosthenes in the [speech]
On the Symmories speaks thus: "he will hear that our resources consist of a valuation of the territory, eight thousand talents".[9] So either this is a scribal error or perhaps the orator is carrying [us] away, in order that the city may seem to have greater resources for the war against the King.
Greek Original:*(o ka/twqen no/mos: *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *)aristokra/tous h)\ th\n *(hliai/an le/gei dia\ to\ tw=n dikasthri/wn ta\ me\n a)/nw, ta\ de\ ka/tw o)noma/zesqai, h)\ dia\ to\ sxh=ma th=s e)n toi=s a)/cosi grafh=s boustrofhdo\n gegramme/nhs, h)\ a)po\ tw=n eu)wnu/mwn a)rxo/menon no/mon ka/twqen o)noma/zei o( *dhmosqe/nhs: o(/ti ga/r, fhsi/, boustrofhdo\n h)=san oi( a)/cones kai\ oi( ku/rbeis gegramme/noi, dedh/lwken *eu)fori/wn e)n tw=| *)apollodw/rw|: h)\ e)pei/, fhsi/, tou\s a)/conas kai\ tou\s ku/rbeis a)/nwqen e)k th=s a)kropo/lews ei)s to\ bouleuth/rion kai\ th\n a)gora\n mete/sthsen *)efia/lths, w(/s fhsin *)anacime/nhs e)n *filippikw=|. o(/ti diamarta/nei *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *neai/ras le/gwn, *plataie/as gegra/fqai e)n th=| *poiki/lh| stoa=|: ou)dei\s ga\r tou=to ei)/rhken. o(/ti e(cakisxi/lia h)=n ta/lanta to\ ti/mhma th=s *)attikh=s. *dhmosqe/nhs de\ e)n tw=| *peri\ tw=n summoriw=n fhsin ou(/tws: h(mi=n de\ th=s xw/ras ti/mhma u(pa/rxein a)formh\n ta\ o)ktakisxi/lia ta/lanta a)kou/setai. h)/toi ou)=n grafiko/n e)stin a(ma/rthma, h)\ i)/sws o( r(h/twr sunarpa/zei, i(/na dokh=| plei=on th\n a)formh\n e)/xein h( po/lis tou= ei)s to\n pro\s basile/a pole/mou.
Demosthenes 23.28 (web address 1).
[2] Literally, as the ox ploughs: alternate lines right-to-left (a.k.a. retrograde) and left-to-right.
[3] These explanations are cited by Harpokration s.v. (from which this part of the entry derives) from
Didymus, and it is clear that in this sentence there are only two of them, not the three of the transmitted text here, which I have ignored. (The monosyllabic word after
gegramme/nhs should be "is" - and part of the preceding clause - not a third "or".)
[4] Sc.
[5] Euphorion (
epsilon 3801) fr.6 Powell.
Anaximenes FGrH 72 F13.
[7] The entry here switches to two other omicron-led topics; Harpokration has them, more coherently, under two separate lemmata (one before and one after the present one).
[8] [
Demosthenes] 59.94 (web address 2).
Demosthenes 14.30 (web address 3).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: art history; biography; definition; economics; historiography; history; law; military affairs; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 December 2000@03:54:56.
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