[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who own more and better [un]necessary things than necessary ones.
*(o ka/nhs th=s tu/xhs u(pere/xei: e)pi\ tw=n ta\ a)nagkai=a mei/zw kai\ plei/w tw=n a)nagkai/wn kekthme/nwn.
Crates fr.12 Kock (14 K.-A.), quoted several times in lexicography (e.g.
Pollux 10.90,
Photius omicron172 Theodoridis). The Suda's version not only omits a crucial negative from the gloss, as indicated, but corrupts the second noun in the headword phrase itself, from
koi/ths ('bed') to
tu/xhs ('luck', not translated here).
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