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Search results for omega,92 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,92
Translated headword: omilla
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A particular child's game, in which the one who has thrown a nut into the ring, so that it remains [there], wins.
Eupolis in
Golden Race [says]: "since I am in, having stayed here in the omilla."[1]
From a contraction
h(/ o(/milla [is] also
Greek Original:*)/wmilla: paidia/ tis, e)n h(=| o( ei)s to\n ku/klon balw\n ka/ruon, w(/ste e)mmei=nai, nika=|. *eu)/polis *xrusw=| ge/nei: e)peisei/meqa de\ mei/nas ei)s w)/millan. a)po\ sunaire/sews h( o(/milla kai\ w(/milla.
See generally LSJ s.v.
Eupolis fr. 288 Kock (now 314 K.-A.), in garbled form; its reconstructed version is translated here. (For this word see also
Eupolis fr. 250 Kock, now 269 K.-A.) Similarly in
Hesychius omega194 and in a scholion to
Lysis 206E.
[2] Incorrect, as the headword is not aspirated.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Sheila Kurian on 6 June 2000@02:34:06.
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