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Search results for omega,54 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)wku/moros
Adler number: omega,54
Translated headword: swift-dying, early-dying
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] quick to die.[1]
"Human affairs are swift-dying and transitory. Surely, then, they are full of zeal; and where the zeal is excessive, that is pardonable".[2]
Greek Original:
*)wku/moros: taxuqa/natos. ta\ a)nqrw/peia w)ku/mora kai\ e)fh/mera. tau=ta/ toi kai\ spoudh=s a)na/plea: kai\ suggnw/mhn au)toi=s ne/mein u(pe\r th=s a)/gan spoudh=s.
[1] From the scholia to Homer, Iliad 1.417 (web address 1), where the headword adjective occurs (of Achilles, so described by his mother Thetis; cf. omega 55). Same or similar glossing in Hesychius, ps.-Herodian, and other lexica. See generally LSJ s.v.
[2] Tentatively attributed by Adler to Damascius; accepted by Zintzen as fr. 393 of the Life of Isidore.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; imagery; mythology; philosophy
Translated by: Edward Dandrow on 9 June 2000@22:45:44.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword, translation, note, keywords) on 21 June 2001@04:25:24.
Catharine Roth (augmented notes, added keywords, raised status) on 14 September 2007@01:11:45.
David Whitehead on 31 October 2013@05:00:54.


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