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Search results for omega,41 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,41
Translated headword: I will push
Vetting Status: high
Translation: I will push [
w)qh/sw]: in place of I will push [
w)/sw]. Thus
For I push [
w)/qw] [means] I shove.[2]
But I push [
w)qw=] has a circumflex.[3]
Greek Original:*)wqh/sw: a)nti\ tou= w)/sw. ou(/tws *)aristofa/nhs. *)/wqw ga\r to\ prw/qw. *)wqw= de\ perispwme/nws.
The headword should be
w)qh/sw (error in the electronic text).
[1] The verb
w)qe/w has two future stems:
w)qhs- and
w)s- (as if from
w)/qw). See LSJ s.v. for the attestation of the various forms (web address 1). The form
w)qh/somen occurs at
Ecclesiazusae 300 (in a lyric passage, see web address 2).
[2] The hypothetical form
w)/qw is glossed by the later verb
prw/qw (not in the LSJ but in Lampe). Likewise or similarly in other lexica.
[3] (Sc. because
w)qe/w is a contract verb.) This comment is from ps.-Herodian,
Partitiones 251.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Christopher Star on 27 May 2000@17:16:50.
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