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Adler number: omega,275
Translated headword: o creature of a day
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] o man. This is how
Aristophanes introduces Socrates in
Clouds saying, o mortal, o man, o thinker on things which last a day.[1] He says this because he is himself already thinking about divine matters and disdaining human affairs by considering celestial phenomena. Or because Socrates was said to be very like Silenus [
Myth];[2] for he was both snub-nosed and bald. So [
Aristophanes] gives him Silenus' phrase in
Pindar. For
Pindar portraying him conversing with Olympos [
Place][3] gave him the following words, "O wretched man, creature of a day, fool, you are talking by boasting to me of money".[4] At the same time too, because Socrates [sc. in
Clouds] already disdains human matters and is himself among the gods,[5] since he was a star-gazer, so [
Aristophanes] made him talk about that which lives for one day.
Greek Original:*)=w 'fh/mere: w)= a)/nqrwpe. ou(/tw pareisa/gei *)aristofa/nhs e)n *nefe/lais to\n *swkra/thn le/gonta, w)= qnhte/, w)= a)/nqrwpe, w)= ta\ e)fh/mera fronw=n. tou=to de\ le/gei, w(s au)to\s loipo\n ta\ tw=n qew=n fronw=n kai\ u(perhfanw=n ta\ tw=n a)nqrw/pwn dia\ to\ fronti/zein peri\ metew/rwn. h)\ o(/ti e)le/geto o( *swkra/ths *seilhnw=| paremferh\s ei)=nai: simo/s te ga\r kai\ falakro\s h)=n. perie/qhken ou)=n au)tw=| fwnh\n th\n tou= para\ *pinda/rw| *seilhnou=. o( ga/r toi *pi/ndaros dialego/menon para/gwn to\n *seilhno\n tw=| *)olu/mpw| toiou/tous au)tw=| perie/qhke lo/gous: w)= ta/las, e)fh/mere, nh/pie, ba/zeis xrh/mata/ moi diakompeu/wn. a(/ma de\ kai\ w(s u(perhfanou=ntos loipo\n tou= *swkra/tous ta\ a)nqrw/pina kai\ e)n qeoi=s o)/ntos au)tou=, dio/ti metewrole/sxhs h)=n, ou(/tw to\ e)fh/meron e)poi/hsen au)to\n le/gonta.
[1] Socrates' (
sigma 829) first words in
Clouds include the present headword -- "Why are you calling me, o creature of a day?" (line 223, Web address 1) -- spoken to Strepsiades. The present entry draws on the
scholia to this line.
[2] Elderly satyr (sometimes portrayed as father of the satyrs) and teacher/foster-father of Dionysus.
[3] The legendary musician and pupil of the satyr Marsyas; cf.
omicron 219.
Pindar fr.157 Snell-Maehler.
Pindar's editors (e.g. S.-M.) correct
nh/pie, ba/zeis ["fool, you are talking"] to
nh/pia ba/zeis ["you are talking nonsense"]. Note also that
diakompeu/wn ["boasting", usually
diakompe/wn, Web address 2] is attested in this form only in the present entry.
[5] This may refer to the fact that in
Clouds Socrates studies celestial phenomena from a basket suspended in the air (225ff.).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; economics; ethics; medicine; mythology; philosophy; poetry; religion; science and technology; stagecraft
Translated by: Andrew Morrison on 20 December 2002@12:24:32.
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