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Search results for omega,265 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,265
Translated headword: cauliflower-eared
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning someone] with thickened ears [acquired] in a wrestling-ring, thick-eared.
"Being both thick-eared and grimy, as Antigonos of
Karystos [says]".[1]
"And at length Constantine the Great, after listening intently,[2] erupted into anger with the holy Athanasius and condemned him to judicial exile."[3]
Greek Original:*)wtoka/tacis: ta\ w)=ta teqlasme/nos e)n palai/stra|, w)toqladi/as. w)toqladi/as te kai\ e)mpinh\s w)/n, w(/s fhsin *)anti/gonos o( *karu/stios. kai\ te/los o( me/gas *kwnstanti=nos tw=n w)/twn a)narthqei\s ei)s o)rgh\n e)kpi/ptei tou= a(gi/ou *)aqanasi/ou kai\ u(perori/an tou= dikai/ou katayhfi/zetai.
omega 134.
Diogenes Laertius 5.67 (on the Peripatetic scholarch Lykon of
[2] Literally, suspended by the ears.
[3] Symeon Metaphrastes, PG 25 CXCIIIb; cf.
tau 870. The Suda has no entry for Athanasius: see e.g.
alpha 3397, note 4.
Keywords: athletics; biography; Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; medicine; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 September 2005@07:15:13.
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