[Used] with a genitive.[1] [Meaning] to wish to learn secrets from certain people.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the related noun] w)takousth/s ['eavesdropper/spy'].[3]
*)wtakoustei=n: genikh=|. ta\ kru/fia manqa/nein e)qe/lein dia/ tinwn. kai\ *)wtakousth/s.
For an early instance of the headword verb see
Herodotus 8.130.4; and note also e.g.
Cyropaedia 8.2.10, on the Persian 'Kings's Ears' (and 'King's Eyes').
[1] This usage is not independently attested.
[2] Similar glossing, variously, in other lexica.
[3] cf. under
mu 1036 and
omicron 1012.
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