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Search results for omega,242 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,242
Translated headword: as wanting to go to Pytho we ask the Boeotians for safe passage
Vetting Status: high
Translation: They say that Boeotia lies between Pytho [=
Delphi] and Attica, and it is not possible for Athenians to leave for Pytho without passing through Boeotia. When an army goes through, they ask for permission to pass through. So
Aristophanes says this: "as we ask the Boeotians for safe passage, likewise when men sacrifice to the gods, unless the gods pay a toll to us [birds], you will not let the smoke of the thigh-pieces pass through the foreign city and the empty space." Meaning you will not carry [it] through, you will not send [it] through.
Greek Original:*(ws *puqw/de i)e/nai boulo/menoi *boiwtou\s di/odon ai)tou/meqa: fasi\ metacu\ th=s *puqou=s kai\ th=s *)attikh=s ei)=nai th\n *boiwti/an, kai\ ou)x oi(=o/n te ei)=nai *)aqhnai/ous ei)s *puqw\ a)pelqei=n, ei) mh\ pare/lqwsi *boiwti/an. o(/tan de\ stra/teuma dia/gh|, di/odon h)/|toun. tou=to ou)=n fhsin *)aristofa/nhs: w(/sper h(mei=s di/odon ai)tou=men *boiwtou/s, ou(/tws o(/tan qu/swsin a)/nqrwpoi toi=s qeoi=s, h)\n mh\ fo/ron fe/rwsin h(mi=n oi( qeoi/, dia\ th=s po/lews th=s a)llotri/as kai\ tou= xa/ous tw=n mhri/wn th\n kni/ssan ou) diafrh/sete. a)nti\ tou= ou) diaforh/sete, ou) diape/myesqe.
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Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; food; geography; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 September 2005@22:34:13.
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