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Search results for omega,234 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,234
Translated headword: how fine
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ["How fine,] o Poseidon, [is] their array, and crowded and grim just like a barley-cake and a complete banquet." For whenever they dine in common, with each bringing his own dinner, everything seems crowded, with people carrying foodstuffs here and the diners themselves there.
Greek Original:*(ws kalo/n, w)= *po/seidon, to\ sti=fos au)tw=n, kai\ pukno\n kai\ gorgo\n w(/sper ma=za kai\ pandaisi/a: o(/tan ga\r ei)s koino\n e(stiw=ntai, e(ka/stou fe/rontos e(autw=| dei=pnon, pukna\ pa/nta fai/netai, ph= me\n ta\ prosfa/gia fero/ntwn, ph= de\ au)tw=n e(stiwme/nwn.
Peace 564-5 (here with the first two phrases reversed, see web address 1), with comment from the
scholia there; cf.
pi 166.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; food; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 1 January 2004@08:38:50.
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