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Search results for omega,23 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,23
Translated headword: labor-pain
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the pain [arising] out of childbirth.[1]
"He did not dare to express the labor-pain which he had borne, as he nourished the hope of perhaps sometime achieving [it] by concealment."[2]
Greek Original:*)wdi/s: h( e)k tou= toketou= o)du/nh. o( de\ e)ceipei=n th\n w)di=na, h(\n e)ku/ei, ou)k e)to/lma, th\n e)lpi/da tou= i)/sws a)/n pote tuxei=n e)n tw=| kru/ptein u(poqa/lpwn a)/ra e)kei=nos.
Entry out of alphabetical order.
[1] cf.
omega 22,
omega 24,
omega 25,
omega 26.
Aelian fr. 303 Domingo-Forasté (306 Hercher); cf.
epsilon 696. Apparently a figurative childbirth, as the subject is masculine; see generally LSJ s.v.
w)di/s II ('metaph. travail, anguish').
Keywords: daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; imagery; medicine; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 September 2005@00:47:17.
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