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Search results for omega,227 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,227
Translated headword: in a nutshell; so to speak
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] as it appears, and as to say in a word.
*(ws e)/pos ei)pei=n -- this is arranged in the ancient writers also as
w(s ei)pei=n e)/pos and
w(s e)/pos fa/nai and
w(s fa/nai e)/pos. It is also expressed with one word, as
w(s fa/nai and
w(s ei)pei=n. All these have the same meaning.[1]
Aristotle says
w(s tu/pw| perilabei=n ["as to include in outline"]: he has said this, because it is not possible defining accurately to call those premises which relate to choice and avoidance ethical, but those which relate to truth and knowledge natural.[2]
Greek Original:*(ws e)/pos ei)pei=n: w(s fai/netai, kai\ w(s e)n lo/gw| ei)pei=n. w(s e)/pos ei)pei=n, tou=to sxhmati/zetai para\ toi=s palaioi=s kai\ w(s ei)pei=n e)/pos kai\ w(s e)/pos fa/nai kai\ w(s fa/nai e)/pos. e)/ti de\ kai\ dia\ mia=s le/cews e)kfwnei=tai, oi(=on w(s fa/nai, kai\ w(s ei)pei=n. shmai/nei de\ pa/nta to\ au)to/. a)llaxou= de\ le/gei *)aristote/lhs w(s tu/pw| perilabei=n. tou=to de\ ei)/rhken, o(/ti mh/ e)stin a)kribw=s a)fori/santa ei)pei=n ta\s me\n tw=n prota/sewn pro\s ai(/resin kai\ fugh\n sunteinou/sas h)qika/s, ta\s de\ pro\s a)lh/qeian kai\ gnw=sin fusika/s.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 13 September 2005@00:17:43.
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