*)wrei=on: to\ tamiei=on. o(/ti e)n tw=| kaloume/nw| *)wrei/w|, o(/ e)sti mo/dios, e)/nqa nu=n i(/stantai ki/ones pro\ tou= oi)/kou tou= *kraterou=, o(\s nu=n e)sti tou= murelai/ou, i(/stato mo/dios xalkou=s. kai\ zh/tei peri\ tou/tou e)n tw=| *manai/+m.
mu 131 (Manaim),
mu 1184 (Modios), and
mu 1185 (Modion).
After the primary gloss, this entry is abbreviated from one of the more difficult and confused passages in the
*parasta/seis su/ntomoi xronikai/ (Preger, p. 27) and
*pa/tria *kwnstantinoupo/lews (Preger, p. 202); see Cameron 1984, 186-89; Berger 1988, 337-46. In addition to confusion about the nature of the Modion (
mu 1185), sources disagree on its location.
*parasta/seis 12 (in ms P) gives no location;
*pa/tria II. 51 (Preger, p. 179) and 97 (p. 202) place the Modion near the Amastrianon to the south of the Mese. The
Book of Ceremonies (
De Caer., I, pp. 83, 106 Bonn), however, places the Modion between the Philadelphion and Forum Tauri in the vicinity of the
*xalkou=n *tetra/pulon to the north of the Mese (see Janin 1954, 101). Excavations at the latter uncovered stone hands on two large, bronze columns erected by Valentinian III (425-455) -- perhaps replicas of the original bronze hands -- in this location (Jenin 1964, 66)). It is possible that several such monuments appeared in the area.
Textual notes:
tamiei=on aliter Ambr. 190 cf. H; l. = Lex. de sp.
o(/ti sq. cf. Preger p. 27, 9-12 et p. 202, 17-20; Anon. Treu p. 9, 26. Ms F omits
o(/ti and following; ms S omits the cross-reference to
mu 131;
murelai/ou S:
murele/ou GM:
mure/you A, where the place-name has clearly been replaced by a more familiar noun (lit. 'preparer of unguents').
[1] The association of this building with grain guarantees that here
to\ tamiei=on refers to a granary (i.e.
horreum), not a treasury; cf. e.g.
Thucydides 7.24.
[2] i.e.
Horreum; for
w)rei=on and
w)rei/w| (cf.
w)rei/w| Preger) we should read
w(/reion or
w(/rion. For
w(/reion, see
Geoponica 2.28;
Chron., p. 384 (1980).
[3] The Modion was a monument associated with the official standard measure, the archimodion, established by Valentinian III (Schilbach 1970, 58ff.). The site featured a pair of bronze hands affixed to spikes, a warning of the penalty for cheating merchants -- the amputation of their right hand. See Janin 1964, pp. 66, 69, 104.
[4] It is important to remember that references to 'now' (
nu=n) in the Suda do not necessarily refer to the time of its compilation, nor does each 'now' in an entry refer to the same time. Here, for example, the first
nu=n occurs in a passage copied from the
*pa/tria, while the second (referring to the Myrelaion) appears to be an original comment by the later author of the lemma.
[5] The Myrelaion was a monastery at the present site of Bodrum Camii. It was completely rebuilt by Emperor Romanus I Lecapenus (919-944). A not-insignificant structure, excavations in 1930 revealed a 30 x 29m building (D. Talbot Rice, 'Excavations at Bodrum Camii',
Byzantion 8 (1933: 170-74). See Janin 1964, 39, 134, 213, 394-95.
mu 131.
Berger, A. Untersuchungen zu den Patria Konstantinupoleos (Bonn, 1988)
Cameron, A. and J. Herrin. Constantinople in the early eighth century: the Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai. Leiden: Brill, 1984
Guilland, R. Etudes de topographie de Constantinople byzantine (Berlin, 1969)
Janin, R. Constantinople byzantine: dévelopment urbain et répertoire topographique (Paris, 1964)
Preger, Th. Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum (New York, 1975)
Schilbach, E. Byzantinische Metrologie (Munich, 1970)
Striker, C. The Myrelaion (Bodrum Camii) in Istanbul (Princeton, 1981)
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