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Headword: *(wrakia/sas *krati=nos
Adler number: omega,158
Translated headword: Kratinos having swooned; Cratinus having swooned
Vetting Status: high
Meaning having fainted; Cratinus is being slandered as a drunkard; or having turned pale; or having been made dizzy by a fainting-fit, with pallor resulting; people fainting [are] like this, for the first thing which changes in them is their colour. Aristophanes [writes]: "for he could not bear to see a jar full of wine smashed". They say w(rakia/sai ["to swoon"] [when they mean] to turn pale [w)xria/sai] through fear, with the heart under stress; this happens to many; [the term comes] from maltreating [ai)ki/zesqai] the beauty [w(/ra], that is the shape.
Or I swoon, I am pale, I am concerned; for w(/ra [is] concern.[1] Hesiod [writes]: "for scant care has he with quarrels".[2] [Meaning] someone is released from concern.
For the verb [is] w)raki/zw.
Greek Original:
*(wrakia/sas *krati=nos: a)nti\ tou= leipoyuxh/sas: ei)s oi)noflugi/an de\ o( *krati=nos diaba/lletai. h)\ w)xria/sas: h)\ u(po\ e)klu/sews skotwqei/s, w(=| e(/petai to\ w)xria=n: toiou=toi de\ oi( leipoyuxou=ntes: tre/petai ga\r au)tw=n prw=ton h( xroia/. *)aristofa/nhs: ou) ga\r e)chne/sxet' i)dw\n pi/qon katagnu/menon oi)/nou ple/wn. *(wrakia/sai le/gousi to\ u(po\ fo/bou w)xria/sai, qlibome/nhs th=s kardi/as: tou=to de\ polloi=s gi/netai: para\ to\ th\n w(/ran ai)ki/zesqai, o(/ e)sti th\n morfh/n. h)\ w)rakiw=, w)xriw=, fronti/zw: w(/ra ga\r h( fronti/s: *(hsi/odos: w)/rh ga/r t' o)li/gh pe/letai neike/wn. e)k de\ fronti/dos e)klu/etai/ tis. *)wraki/zw ga\r to\ r(h=ma.
See already omega 157, which also relates to Cratinus (kappa 2344). The present entry also stems from the scholia to Aristophanes, Peace 702 and (quoted here) 703. An attempt is made to establish an etymological relationship between w(rakia/w and w)xria/w (see LSJ at web address 1).
cf. omicron 165, omega 149, omega 150.
[1] More properly w)/ra: see LSJ s.v. w)/ra (A).
[2] Hesiod, Works and Days 30.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; medicine; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 September 2005@07:41:58.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 4 September 2005@19:02:30.
David Whitehead (modified n.2; typo) on 5 September 2005@03:05:33.
David Whitehead on 1 November 2013@05:39:29.
Catharine Roth (tweaked and expanded notes, added a link) on 19 September 2023@01:17:40.


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