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Search results for omega,158 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,158
Translated headword: Kratinos having swooned; Cratinus having swooned
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning having fainted;
Cratinus is being slandered as a drunkard; or having turned pale; or having been made dizzy by a fainting-fit, with pallor resulting; people fainting [are] like this, for the first thing which changes in them is their colour.
Aristophanes [writes]: "for he could not bear to see a jar full of wine smashed". They say
w(rakia/sai ["to swoon"] [when they mean] to turn pale [
w)xria/sai] through fear, with the heart under stress; this happens to many; [the term comes] from maltreating [
ai)ki/zesqai] the beauty [
w(/ra], that is the shape.
Or I swoon, I am pale, I am concerned; for
w(/ra [is] concern.[1] Hesiod [writes]: "for scant care has he with quarrels".[2] [Meaning] someone is released from concern.
For the verb [is]
Greek Original:*(wrakia/sas *krati=nos: a)nti\ tou= leipoyuxh/sas: ei)s oi)noflugi/an de\ o( *krati=nos diaba/lletai. h)\ w)xria/sas: h)\ u(po\ e)klu/sews skotwqei/s, w(=| e(/petai to\ w)xria=n: toiou=toi de\ oi( leipoyuxou=ntes: tre/petai ga\r au)tw=n prw=ton h( xroia/. *)aristofa/nhs: ou) ga\r e)chne/sxet' i)dw\n pi/qon katagnu/menon oi)/nou ple/wn. *(wrakia/sai le/gousi to\ u(po\ fo/bou w)xria/sai, qlibome/nhs th=s kardi/as: tou=to de\ polloi=s gi/netai: para\ to\ th\n w(/ran ai)ki/zesqai, o(/ e)sti th\n morfh/n. h)\ w)rakiw=, w)xriw=, fronti/zw: w(/ra ga\r h( fronti/s: *(hsi/odos: w)/rh ga/r t' o)li/gh pe/letai neike/wn. e)k de\ fronti/dos e)klu/etai/ tis. *)wraki/zw ga\r to\ r(h=ma.
See already
omega 157, which also relates to
Cratinus (
kappa 2344). The present entry also stems from the
scholia to
Peace 702 and (quoted here) 703. An attempt is made to establish an etymological relationship between
w(rakia/w and
w)xria/w (see LSJ at web address 1).
omicron 165,
omega 149,
omega 150.
[1] More properly
w)/ra: see LSJ s.v.
w)/ra (A).
[2] Hesiod,
Works and Days 30.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; medicine; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 September 2005@07:41:58.
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