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Headword: *)=w peri\ pa/nt'
Adler number: omega,141
Translated headword: o you who on every occasion
Vetting Status: high
'O you who on every occasion] and in all cases of bribery settle on flowers, may you vomit [the bribe] out as readily as you found it.[1] For only then would I sing "Drink, drink at [these] happy events"; and I think that the son of Ioulios, an aged corn-ogler, would be delighted and cry "io Paian" and sing "Bacchos, Bacchos".' Aristophanes [sc. writes this]; the speech [is directed] against Kleon. "O [you who are] approved for every treachery and wickedness". He uttered the entire concept figuratively, from bees; just as bees, he is saying, [do] everything. Hence you [Kleon] found it easy and facile, as you had not even expected to gain such a reputation; for it seemed that [you were] doing well after the success at Pylos;[2] and thus you are throwing [this reputation] away. "And then would I sing" the [verse] of Simonides, "Drink, drink at these [happy] events." "An aged corn-ogler": this elderly man was being slandered as a pederast; alternatively [it is said] of someone guarding the grain in the Prytaneion.[3] "To sing Bacchos, Bacchos" means to praise Dionysos; Dionysos [is] Bacchos.[4]
Greek Original:
*)=w peri\ pa/nt' e)pi\ pa=si/ te pra/gmasi dwrodo/koisin e)p' a)/nqesin i(/zwn: ei)/qe fau/lws, w(/sper eu(=res, e)kba/lois th\n e)/nqesin. a)/|saimi ga\r a)\n to/te mo/non, pi=ne, pi=n' e)pi\ sumforai=s: to\n *)iouli/ou t' a)\n oi)=mai ge/ronta puropi/phn, h(sqe/nt' i)hpaiwni/sai kai\ bakxe/bakxon a)=|sai: o( *)aristofa/nhs: pro\s *kle/wna o( lo/gos. w)= e)pi\ pa/sh| prodosi/a| e)cetazo/mene kai\ kaki/a|. metaforikw=s de\ ei)=pen a(/pan to\ no/hma a)po\ tw=n melissw=n: w(/sper ai( me/lissai, fhsi/, pa/ntwn. ou(=per e)k tou= r(a/|stou kai\ eu)xerw=s e)/tuxes: e)pei\ mhde\ h)/lpisas ei)s tou=to do/chs proelqei=n: e)/doce ga\r eu)dokimei=n e)k tou= peri\ *pu/lon katorqw/matos: ou(/tw kai\ a)pobalei=s. kai\ to/te a)/|saimi to\ *simwni/dou: pi=ne, pi=n' e)pi\ sumforai=s. ge/ronta de\ purropi/phn, w(s paiderasth\s ou(=tos o( presbu/ths dieba/lleto: h)\ tou= e)n prutanei/w| fula/ssontos to\n si=ton. bakxe/bakxon a)=|sai, a)nti\ tou= eu)fhmh=sai to\n *dio/nuson: *ba/kxos ga\r o( *dio/nusos.
Aristophanes, Knights 402-408, with material from the scholia there.
[1] cf. epsilon 1360, epsilon 3675, phi 145.
[2] For Kleon and Pylos (425 BCE) see kappa 1731.
[3] cf. pi 3230.
[4] cf. beta 52.
Keywords: biography; botany; children; comedy; economics; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; history; imagery; military affairs; poetry; politics; religion; zoology
Translated by: Pam Little on 14 April 2000@16:16:54.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified headword and translation; added notes and keywords) on 11 May 2001@04:18:31.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:39:46.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 11 November 2005@06:40:17.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 25 March 2008@08:57:11.
David Whitehead on 1 November 2013@04:58:08.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 17 September 2023@14:42:45.


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