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Search results for omega,14 in Adler number:
Adler number: omega,14
Translated headword: thus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [It means] not only "so" but also "here"; as we [use it].[1]
Cratinus in
Runaways [writes]: "those here who are merely rebellious and want to be somebody."[2]
Aristophanes in
Kokalos [writes]: "somebody bring out here a juggler and two stools."[3] And
Plato uses it somewhere instead of
deu=ro and
e)nqa/de ["hither"];[4] but in most [writers] it signifies "thus."
Eupolis in
Taxiarchs [writes]: "not if he keeps his shield holding it thus."[5]
Greek Original:*(=wde: ou) mo/non to\ ou(/tws, a)lla\ kai\ to\ e)nqa/de: w(s h(mei=s. *krati=nos *drape/tisi: tou\s w(=de mo/non stasia/zontas kai\ boulome/nous tina\s ei)=nai. *)aristofa/nhs *kwka/lw|: e)kdo/tw de/ tis kai\ yhfolo/gon w(=de kai\ di/frw du/o. kai\ *pla/twn pou ke/xrhtai a)nti\ tou= deu=ro kai\ e)nqa/de: to\ de\ ou(/tws e)n toi=s plei/stois dhloi=. *eu)/polis *tacia/rxois: ou)k h)\n fula/tth| g' w(=d' e)/xwn th\n a)spi/da.
Same entry in
Photius, similar one elsewhere.
[1] cf. scholion on
Iliad 1.181; see also
omega 15. For a contrary opinion, see
eta 656.
Cratinus fr. 54 Kock, now 59 K.-A.
Aristophanes fr. 348 Kock, now 362 K.-A.
[4] Is this
Plato the philosopher or his namesake the comic poet? Amid the names of
Aristophanes and
Eupolis the latter would be a natural fit, but there are no extant instances of the headword in
Plato Comicus. On the headword in this sense see in any event LSJ s.v., II.
Eupolis fr. 257 Kock, now 276 K.-A.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 2 September 2005@23:22:02.
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