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Adler number: omega,127
Translated headword: Oxos, Oxus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A river in the territory of the Bactrians, which to Alexander [sc. the Great] seemed 'uncrossable': 'for it was almost six stades broad, but with a depth disproportionate to its breadth; instead, far deeper, and sandy and fast-flowing, so that the piles fixed into the bed were easily twisted out of the ground by the current itself and failed to get a firm hold in the sand'.
Greek Original:*)=wcos: potamo\s e)n th=| *baktri/wn xw/ra|, o(\s *)aleca/ndrw| a)/poros e)fai/neto: to\ me\n ga\r eu)=ros h)=n e)s e(\c ma/lista stadi/ous, ba/qos de\ ou) pro\s lo/gon tou= eu)/rous, a)lla\ polu\ dh/ ti baqu/teros, kai\ yammw/dhs kai\ r(eu=ma o)cu/, w(s ta\ kataphgnu/mena u(p' au)tou= tou= r(ou= e)kstre/fesqai e)k th=s gh=s ou) xalepw=s, oi(=a dh\ ou) bebai/ws e)pi\ th=s ya/mmou i(drume/na.
After the initial definition, the entry slides (via 'uncrossable') into a quotation: Arrian,
Anabasis 3.29.2 (cf.
delta 500).
For this river cf.
Polybius 10.48 (with Walbank's commentary), and see Barrington Atlas Map 6, with close-ups at Maps 98-99.
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; historiography; history
Translated by: David Whitehead on 31 December 2003@07:44:19.
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