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Adler number: nu,90
Translated headword: naphtha
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This word has three genders: for it is commonly [feminine]
h( na/fqa, but the neuter
to\ na/fqa is also found, while in
Plutarch [the masculine]
o( na/fqos [is found] as well.[1]
[Note] that the Greeks call this 'Medea's oil',[2] but the Medes [call it] naphtha.[3]
Greek Original:*na/fqa: trigene\s tou=to: koinw=s me\n ga\r h( na/fqa, eu(/rhtai de\ kai\ ou)dete/rws to\ na/fqa, para\ *plouta/rxw| de\ kai\ o( na/fqos. o(/ti oi( me\n *(/ellhnes *mhdei/as e)/laion tau/thn kalou=sin, oi( de\ *mh=doi na/fqan.
[1] Naphtha appears as a masculine noun in
Quaestiones Convivales 681C.
Plutarch also provides a long digression on naphtha in
Alexander 35, where he employs the substance as a metaphor for Alexander's character. The word is a borrowing from Persian: see the LSJ entry at web address 1.
Plutarch considers this version of the Medea story briefly in
Alexander 35.10-12.
[3] From
phi 103.
Sansone, D. (1980), "Plutarch, Alexander, and the Discovery of Naphtha." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 21: 63-74
Whitmarsh, T. (2002), 'Alexander's Hellenism and Plutarch's Textualism'. Classical Quarterly 52.1: 174-192
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; imagery; mythology; science and technology; women
Translated by: Bradley Buszard on 18 June 2003@09:12:55.
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