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Search results for nu,86 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,86
Translated headword: nautodikai
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [The name for] magistrates trying lawsuits which involved ship-owners[1] and those working in and around the port; just as nauphylakes are certain officials assigned to the security of the [war]ships.
The nautodikai were a particular magistracy in
Athens. At any rate Krateros says: "if someone born from two foreign parents attempts to belong to a phratria, it is necessary for any Athenian who wants [sc. to do so] and has access to lawsuits to prosecute him; and to bring the case to the nautodikai on the last day of the month."[2]
"He would be enrolled into a phratry or phrateres or a phatria even if he might be an alien but born in wedlock, evidently as [someone] indigenous from the father [and] from the mother".[3]
Greek Original:*nautodi/kai: a)/rxontes e)pi\ toi=s nauklh/rois dika/zontes kai\ toi=s peri\ to\ e)mpo/rion e)rgazome/nois: w(s kai\ naufu/lakes a)/rxonte/s tines e)pi\ th=s tw=n new=n fulakh=s. a)rxh/ tis h)=n *)aqh/nhsin oi( nautodi/kai. *kratero\s gou=n fhsi/n: e)a\n de/ tis e)c a)mfoi=n genoi=n gegonw\s frati/zh|, diw/kein dei= tw=| boulome/nw| *)aqhnai/w|, oi(=s di/kai ei)si/: lagxa/nein de\ th=| e)/nh| kai\ ne/a| pro\s tou\s nautodi/kas. ei)s frh/trhn h)\ fra/toras h)\ fatri/an e)ggra/fhtai kai\ mh\ ce/nos ei)/h a)ll' h)qagenh\s dhladh\ w(s au)to/xqwn e)/k te patro\s e)/k te mhtro/s.
The first paragraph here follows
Photius nu61 Theodoridis; the second Harpokration s.v. (via
Photius nu60 Theodoridis), commenting on
Lysias 17.5 & 8.
[1] cf.
nu 56.
[2] Krateros FGrH 342 F4 (from Book 4 of his work).
[3] From the margin of ms M. Source unidentifiable (and apparently garbled). For 'born in wedlock' see
iota 231.
Ferguson, W.S., "The Attic Orgeones", Harvard Theological Review 37 (1944) 61-140
Andrewes, A., "Philochoros on phratries", Journal of Hellenic Studies 81 (1961) 1-15
Prandi, L., Ricerche sulla concessione della cittadinanza ateniese nel V sec. a.C., Milan, 1982
Lambert, S.D., The Phratries of Attica, Ann Arbor, 1993
Keywords: children; chronology; constitution; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; historiography; law; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Andrea Consogno on 10 October 2005@13:56:42.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified aspects of translation; augmented and modified notes; cosmetics) on 11 October 2005@03:50:53.
David Whitehead (further modifications to translation; x-ref) on 11 October 2005@10:02:03.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 12 July 2011@08:42:04.
David Whitehead on 5 June 2013@04:48:19.
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