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Adler number: nu,66
Translated headword: Naupaktos, Naupactus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An Aitolian city.[1] [It took its name] from the shipbuilding [
naupegia] of the sons of Herakles there before their seizure of the Peloponnese. The citizen [of
Naupaktos], they say, [is a] Naupaktian.
Greek Original:*nau/paktos: po/lis *ai)twlikh/. a)po\ th=s e)kei= nauphgi/as tw=n *(hrakleidw=n pri\n h)\ katasxei=n th\n *pelopo/nnhson. o( poli/ths, fasi/, *naupa/ktios.
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v., himself using
Strabo 9.4.7.
[1] Naturally part of western (Ozolian) Lokris, but assigned by the Athenians to refugee Messenians in the 450s BCE (see
Thucydides 1.103) and, as related in
Strabo loc.cit., assigned to the Aitolians by "Philip" (= Philip II of Macedon) in 338 BCE.
OCD4 Naupactus
Keywords: aetiology; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 10 December 2000@08:55:28.
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