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Search results for nu,64 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,64
Translated headword: naval-fighting
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Just as there were penalties prescribed in the laws [sc. of classical
Athens] for not going on an expedition and for leaving one's post and for throwing away one's arms, so also for not fighting at sea. This was called the fine for naval-fighting.
Greek Original:*nauma/xion: w(s tou= mh\ strateu/esqai kai\ tou= lipei=n th\n ta/cin kai\ tou= ta\ o(/pla a)pobalei=n zhmi/ai h)=san w(risme/nai e)k tw=n no/mwn, ou(/tws kai\ tou= mh\ naumaxh=sai. tou=to to\ o)/flhma nauma/xion e)kalei=to.
See under
alpha 2115. (The present entry, generated therefrom, eliminates the negative prefix a- from both the headword and the equivalent word in the last sentence of the gloss, so reducing them to nonsense.)
Keywords: economics; ethics; geography; law; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 December 2003@09:00:17.
Vetted by:
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