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Search results for nu,619 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,619
Translated headword: Nysian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A type of dance; for of the dances one is called Berecyntian, one Cretan, one Parric.[1] So 'Berecyntian' things [are] Nysian; for Berecyntian [sc.] territory is [part] of Nysia. But 'Cretan' [is] Knossian; for in
Mysia and
Knossos dance is taken seriously; and Nysian things are those that happen on
Nysa. This[2] is also sacred to Dionysos. And the Knossian ones likewise. Otherwise: when it comes to dances some are Dionysiac, some Korybantic, some in armor; the Dionysiac [are] Nysian, the Korybantic Knossian; for
Knossos [is] a city of Crete.[3] And in Crete Zeus was reared by the Korybantes.
Greek Original:*nu/sia: o)rxh/matos ei)=dos: tw=n ga\r o)rxh/sewn h( me\n *berekuntiakh\ le/getai, h( de\ *krhtikh/, h( de\ *parrikh/. *nu/sia ou)=n ta\ *bereku/ntia: *nusia\s ga/r e)stin h( *berekuntiakh/. *knw/ssia de\ *krhtikh/: e)n *musi/a| ga\r kai\ *knwssw=| e)pimelh\s h( o)/rxhsis: *nu/sia de\ ta\ e)n th=| *nu/sh| gino/mena. e)/sti de\ au(/th *dionu/sou i(era/. kai\ ta\ *knw/ssia w(sau/tws. a)/llws: tw=n o)rxh/sewn ai( me\n ei)si\ *dionusiakai/, ai( de\ *korubantiakai/, ai( e)no/plioi: *nu/siai de\ ai( *dionusiakai/, *knw/ssiai de\ ai( *korubantiakai/: *knwsso\s ga\r po/lis *krh/ths. e)n th=| *krh/th| de\ u(po\ tw=n *koruba/ntwn e)tra/fh o( *zeu/s.
Derived from ancient commentary on
Ajax 699-700 (web address 1), where 'Nysian' and 'Knossian' dances are referred to; cf.
scholia ad loc.
[1] 'Parric' (
*parrikh/) is a mistake for 'Pyrrhic' (
*purri/xh), the dance in armor alluded to below;
pi 3225.
[2] That is, this mountain,
nu 618.
[3] cf.
kappa 1884.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; definition; geography; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 15 October 2009@22:46:50.
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