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Search results for nu,612 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,612
Translated headword: night
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The kindly time, and darkness.[1]
Night is the shadow of the earth, but not just any [shadow], but that which occurs with the sun as cause, because it is in the hemisphere below the earth, as [it appears] to those for whom it is night;[2] just as an incontinent [man] is not one who is controlled by pleasure in general, but one [who is controlled] by a certain [pleasure].[3]
Greek Original:*nu/c: eu)fro/nh, kai\ h( skoti/a. nu/c e)sti skia\ gh=s, a)ll' ou)x h( tuxou=sa, a)ll' h( ginome/nh para\ th\n tou= h(li/ou ai)ti/an tw=| ei)=nai au)to\n e)n tw=| u(po\ gh=n, w(s pro\s tou/tous par' oi(=s e)stin h( nu/c, h(misfairi/w|. w(/sper ou)x o( u(f' o(poiasou=n h(donh=s kratou/menos a)krath/s, a)ll' o( u(po/ tinos.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 August 2006@22:40:21.
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