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Search results for nu,604 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,604
Translated headword: now I made a good voyage when I suffered shipwreck
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial saying] in reference to those having unexpected good fortune. For when
Zeno of Citium[1] abandoned his previous teachers and became an associate of the philosopher Krates,[2] this is what he said: he suffered [losses] in a shipwreck and declared "Fortune does well, driving me to philosophy" - thus [they say] he was turned towards philosophy.
Greek Original:*nu=n eu)plo/hka, o(/te nenaua/ghka: e)pi\ tw=n par' e)lpi/da eu)tuxhsa/ntwn. *zh/nwn ga\r o( *kitieu\s katalipw\n tou\s pri\n didaska/lous kai\ *kra/thtos tou= filoso/fou foithth\s geno/menos tou=to ei)/rhke, nauagi/w| peripesw\n kai\ ei)pw/n: eu)= ge poiei= h( tu/xh proselau/nousa h(ma=s filosofi/a|, ou(/tw traph=nai pro\s filosofi/an.
A rather too brisk summary of
Diogenes Laertius 7.4-5, where two explanations of the phrase are given: either a literal shipwreck or a figurative one (the initially disruptive but ultimately beneficial effects of changing teachers).
Later proverbial:
Mantissa Proverbiorum 2.33.
[1] The founder of Stoicism: see generally
zeta 79.
[2] See generally
kappa 2341.
Keywords: biography; daily life; philosophy; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 3 October 2001@06:01:53.
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