Suda On Line
Search results for nu,602 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,602
Translated headword: now
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A temporal adverb.[1]
"Now you must send every last line from from yourself, and brandish a fervid spirit and ineluctable arguments by which you may overcome this person; for he is a versatile man, and one who fashions undifficult pathways out of difficulties." 'Line' [is] rope. He is speaking figuratively as though in reference to a mast: you must manipulate all the riggings for the sake of [over]coming him.[2]
Greek Original:*nu=n: xroniko\n e)pi/rrhma. nu=n dei= se pa/nta dh\ ka/lwn e)cie/nai seautou=, kai\ lh=ma qou/rion forei=n kai\ lo/gous a)fu/ktous, o(/toisi to/nd' u(perbalh=|: poiki/los ga\r a(nh\r ka)k tw=n a)mhxa/nwn po/rous eu)mhxa/nous pori/zwn. *ka/lwn, sxoini/on. tropikw=s de\ w(s e)pi\ tou= i(stou= le/gei, dei= ta\ a)/rmena pa/nta kinei=n u(pe\r tou= gene/sqai au)tou=.
[1] From the
scholia to
Iliad 1.59, where it occurs; similarly in other lexica.
Knights 756-759 (chorus), with scholion to 756; cf.
kappa 259.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; epic; imagery; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 October 2009@02:59:24.
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