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Adler number: nu,6
Translated headword: Nabouthai, Naboth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man lived in the time of Achab; [he was] from the city of Izaros,[1] and had a neighboring field. King Achab asked him to sell him this field of his that was close to his own at any price, in order that he could combine them and make one piece of property.[2] If he did not want money, [Achab] told him to take anything he wanted from his fields. [Naboth] said he would not, but would himself cultivate his own land, which he had inherited from his father. The king was upset by this, as if it was an insult that he could not take someone else's property. He did not touch food, nor did he bathe. When Jezebel [his wife] asked what he was upset about, he told her about Naboth's "wickedness;" how he had approached him with proper language, and how he had been insulted with language unsuitable to his royal authority; how he did not receive what he demanded.[3] She told him not to fret over such trifles, to cease worrying and return to his usual business; she would see to Naboth's punishment. Soon enough, she sends letters to the governors of the Judaeans in Achab's name, telling them to hold a fast, call an assembly, and give Naboth a front-row seat; for he was of illustrious family.[4] [She also told them] to prepare three adventurers to testify that he had blasphemed God and the King, and stone him; and to put him to death in this way. And so he died, and Achab inherited the vineyard as his "dowry."[5] God was vexed at this, so he sent the Prophet Elijah to speak to him about what had happened, [tell him] that he had killed the true owner of the field and inherited it unjustly. In that spot where it came about that Naboth's corpse was consumed by dogs, [Achab's] and his wife's blood will be shed and all his family will be extinguished, since he had committed such sins. At this Achab was repentant. He put on rags and went around with bare feet, not eating, confessing his sins and praising God. God told the prophet that the family's punishment was to be postponed, since [Achab] was repentant. The threat was to be carried out against Achab's son.[6]
Greek Original:*nabouqai/: ou(=tos h)=n e)pi\ *)axaa/b, e)c *)iza/rou po/lews, a)grogei/twn w)/n. tou= de\ basile/ws *)axaa\b parakalou=ntos au)to\n a)podo/sqai timh=s o(/shs bou/letai to\n plhsi/on au)tou= tw=n i)di/wn a)gro/n, i(/na suna/yas e(\n au)to\ poih/sh| kth=ma: ei) de\ mh\ bou/loito xrh/mata labei=n, e)pitre/yantos e)kle/casqai tw=n a)grw=n tina tw=n e)kei/nou, tou=to me\n ou)/ fhsi poih/sein, au)to\s de\ th\n i)di/an karpw/sesqai gh=n, h(\n e)klhrono/mhse tou= patro/s. luphqei\s de\ w(s e)f' u(/brei tw=| mh\ ta)llo/tria labei=n o( basileu\s ou)/te loutro\n proshne/gkato ou)/te trofh/n. th=s de\ *)ieza/bel punqanome/nhs o(/ ti lupei=tai, dihgh/sato au)th=| th\n *nabouqai\ skaio/thta, kai\ w(s xrhsa/menos e)pieike/si pro\s au)to\n lo/gois kai\ basilikh=s e)cousi/as u(podeeste/rois u(brisqei/h, mh\ tuxw\n w(=n h)ci/ou. h( de\ mh\ mikroyuxei=n e)pi\ tou/tois pareka/lei, pausa/menon de\ th=s lu/phs e)pi\ th\n sunh/qh trape/sqai pro/noian: melh/sein ga\r au)th=| peri\ th=s *nabouqai\ timwri/as. kai\ paraxrh=ma pe/mpei gra/mmata pro\s tou\s u(pere/xontas tw=n *)ioudai/wn e)k tou= *)axaa\b o)no/matos, nhsteu=sai keleu/ousa kai\ poihsame/nous e)kklhsi/an prokaqi/sai me\n au)tw=n *nabouqai/: ei)=nai ga\r au)to\n e)k ge/nous e)pi- fanou=s. paraskeuasame/nous de\ trei=s tolmhrou\s katamarturh/sontas au)tou=, w(s to\n qeo\n ei)/h blasfhmh/sas kai\ to\n basile/a, kataleu=sai: kai\ tou/tw| diaxrh/sasqai tw=| tro/pw|. kai\ ou(/tws a)pe/qane, kai\ proi=ka e)klhrono/mhsen *)axaa\b to\n a)mpelw=na. a)ganakth/sas de\ o( qeo\s pe/mpei *(hli/an to\n profh/thn pro\s *)axaa\b peri\ tw=n pepragme/nwn e)rhso/menon, o(/ti ktei/nas to\n a)lhqh= despo/thn tou= xwri/ou klhronomh/seien au)to\n a)di/kws, kat' e)kei=non to\n to/pon, e)n w(=| to\n *nabouqai\ nekro\n sune/bh u(po\ kunw=n dapanhqh=nai, to/ te au)tou= ai(=ma kai\ to\ th=s gunaiko\s xuqh/sesqai kai\ pa=n au)tou= to\ ge/nos a)polei=sqai, toiau=ta h)sebhko/tos. o( de\ *)axaa\b meta/melos geno/menos kai\ sakki/on e)ndusa/menos gumnoi=s toi=s posi\ dih=ge mh\ trefo/menos, a)nqomologou/menos ta\ h(marthme/na kai\ to\n qeo\n e)ceumeni/zwn. o( de\ qeo\s pro\s to\n profh/thn ei)=pen u(perbale/sqai th\n tou= ge/nous timwri/an, e)pei\ toi=s tetolmhme/nois metanoei=, tele/sein de\ th\n a)peilh\n e)pi\ tw=| ui(w=| tou= *)axaa/b.
Jewish Antiquities 8.355-362; cf.
I Kings 21
LXX. The Greek version of the name, here Nabouthai but in
Josephus Nabothes, is Hebrew בות.
For A(c)hab see
alpha 4667; for Jezebel,
iota 144 and
iota 145.
[1] Jezreel (Hebrew יזרעאל
[2] An interesting divergence from
I Kings 21:2, where the story of Naboth and Achab (Ahab, Hebrew אחאב) is found. There (in the New International Version) we read "Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace."
[3] Another divergence from the Biblical version.
[4] In the Biblical version the instructions are to prepare a feast.
[5] This is meant sarcastically.
[6] Ahaziah (Hebrew אחזיה), who appears in
2 Kings 1.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; children; chronology; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Alex Gottesman on 5 December 2002@09:03:21.
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