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Search results for nu,593 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,593
Translated headword: bridal house
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning that] in which the brides [
or: nymphs] are.[1] But [sc. with the adjective differently spelled]
nu/mfios ko/smos ["bridal adornment, adornment of a bride"] [is used] possessively, like Tyrian ["of Tyre"], Phrygian ["of
Phrygia"], Lydian ["of
"On the day when the bridal chamber was lit with a lamp, then you obtained a pyre, not marriage."[3]
Greek Original:*numfei=os oi)=kos: e)n w(=| ai( nu/mfai ei)si/. *nu/mfios de\ ko/smos, kthtikw=s, w(s *tu/rios, *fru/gios, *lu/dios. h)mati/a| w(=| nu/mfios a)nh/pteto lampa/di pasta/s, tou/tw| purkai+h=s ou) nala/mwn e)/tuxes.
[1] For the headword phrase, Adler compares
Ambrosian Lexicon 35, as well as ps.-
Zonaras nu1408 and
Philoponus (
de vocabulis nu4).
[2] Similarly in the
Photius (nu289 Theodoridis), and
Lexica Segueriana 310.10.
Greek Anthology 7.188.7-8 (Antonius Thallus). Line 7 should begin
h)/mati d'w(=|. The penultimate word is
qala/mwn; Adler regards the erroneous
nala/mwn in the Suda as influenced by
nama/twn in
nu 594. Verses 5-6 of this epigram are quoted at
epsilon 2994,
mu 1258, and
phi 800.
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; poetry; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 October 2009@22:57:18.
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