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Search results for nu,588 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,588
Translated headword: nymphs
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A term for] worms, which [live] in the cells of bees' honeycombs, when they begin to grow their wings. Some people simply [call them] winged worms. Samians[1] also call nymph the upper middle part of the female genitalia.[2] Also the closed-up buds of roses [are called] nymphs. Also newly-married women [are called] as nymphs. And the Muses [are called] nymphs by Lydians. That the offshoots of all fruits [are described] in this way [is] clear. Concerning the gods an entire history has been composed by Dionysios in thirty three books.[3]
Greek Original:*nu/mfai: skw/lhkes oi( e)n toi=s tw=n melissw=n kutta/rois, o(/tan h)/dh pteropoiei=n a)/rcwntai. oi( d' a(plw=s tou\s pterwtou\s skw/lhkas, *sa/mioi. kai\ to\ a)na\ me/son tw=n gunaikei/wn ai)doi/wn nu/mfhn kalou=si. kai\ tw=n r(o/dwn ai( ka/lukes ai( memukui=ai nu/mfai. kai\ ai( neo/gamoi ko/rai nu/mfai. kai\ ai( *mou=sai de\ u(po\ *ludw=n nu/mfai. o(/ti de\ pa/ntwn tw=n karpw=n ai( e)kfu/seis ou(/tw, dh=lon. peri\ de\ tw=n qew=n *dionusi/w| pa=sa i(stori/a sunh=ktai e)n tria/konta kai\ trisi\ bibli/ois.
Same entry in
Photius (nu286 Theodoridis, with other references), apparently from
Pausanias the Atticist. See further, next note.
[1] Whether by accident or design, Adler punctuated with a full stop after 'Samians'. The present translation follows
Photius, where (more intelligibly) 'Samians' begins the next clause.
[2] Repeated at
nu 594. For this meaning of nymph as clitoris, LSJ s.v. cites
peri\ o)nomasi/as 112 (
*to\ de\ muw=des e)n me/sw| sarki/on, nu/mfh, kai\ mu/rton: oi( de\ u(podermi/da, oi( de\ kleitori/da o)noma/zousi, kai\ to\ a)kola/stws tou/tou a(/ptesqai kleitoria/zein le/gousin.) and Galen,
de Usu Partium 15.3.
Dionysius of
Samos, fr. 11
Keywords: botany; definition; gender and sexuality; geography; imagery; medicine; mythology; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 24 March 2004@14:12:29.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 25 March 2004@03:52:54.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 18 June 2013@05:10:45.
Catharine Roth (added a note) on 3 December 2020@00:35:25.
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