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Search results for nu,583 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,583
Translated headword: night-raven, long-eared owl
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of bird living in the wilderness, which avoids the inhabited places of houses and goes to the deserted and ruined [places]; for they call the house-sites "ruins." Thus also the sparrow, being a cowardly bird, drives away sleep with its agony.
Greek Original:*nuktiko/rac: ei)=dos o)rne/ou e)rhmikou=, o(\ ta\s oi)koume/nas feu/gwn tw=n oi)kiw=n tai=s e)rh/mois kai\ katalelume/nais prostre/xei: ta\ ga\r oi)ko/peda e)rei/pia/ fasin. ou(/tw kai\ to\ strouqi/on deilo\n o)/rneon o)\n u(po\ a)gwni/as e)lau/nei to\n u(/pnon.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 12 February 2006@00:58:11.
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