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Search results for nu,574 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,574
Translated headword: little ideas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] thoughts. The diminutive "little idea" was formed from the plural
noi [of
nous, "mind"]. But some [sc. define it] thus: of abuses and insults [arising] from drinking wine and being drunk.
Aristophanes [writes]: "I shall sprinkle everything with little reasonings, little sayings, little ideas."[1]
As a diminutive [it is] better to say
noïdion, then in contracted form
noidion; so too out of
prochoos ["jug"] comes
prochoidion ["little jug"] and out of
boos ["ox"]
boidion ["calf"].[2]
Greek Original:*noidi/wn: dianohma/twn. parh/gage de\ a)po\ tou= plhquntikou= tou= oi( noi= to\ noi/dion u(pokoristiko/n. tine\s de\ ou(/tws, o)neidismw=n kai\ loidoriw=n a)po\ tou= oi)/nou kai\ th=s me/qhs. *)aristofa/nhs: e)gw\ de\ pa/nta katapa/sw bouleumati/wn, gnwmidi/wn, noidi/wn. ka/llion kaq' u(pokorismo\n noi+di/wn ei)pei=n, ei)=ta sunh|rhme/nws noidi/wn: ou(/tw kai\ e)k tou= pro/xoos gi/netai proxoi/dion kai\ e)k tou= bou=s, boo\s boi/dion.
The headword is a genitive plural, extracted from the quotation given.
[1] An approximation of
Knights 99-100 (omitting the words "When I am drunk I shall sprinkle ..." etc.), with comment from the
scholia there. See web address 1.
[2] These extra remarks are a marginal addition in ms M.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; zoology
Translated by: Robert Leigh on 28 October 2009@17:57:55.
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