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Adler number: nu,561
Translated headword: gleaming
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] bright.[1]
The etymologists[2] [derive it] from the deprivation [ne-] of the power of sight [o(ra=n]. For they say that things that are really bright dazzle and disperse the power of sight, so that "gleaming bronze" [is] bronze which does not allow itself to be looked at. But Epaphroditos,[3] knowing that there is a city of Pannonia called Norakos,[4] the citizen of which [is] a Norakian, records that in Pannonia there occurs iron which is very bright when sharpened. Hence he says that bronze is spoken of as norops, as if one were to call it "Norakian".
Greek Original:*nw=roy: o( lampro/s. oi( me\n e)tumolo/goi para\ th\n ste/rhsin tou= o(ra=n: a)mauroi= ga/r, fasi/, th\n o)/yin ta\ pa/nu lampra\ kai\ diaxei=, w(/ste nw=roy xalko/s, o( mh\ e)w=n o(ra=n ei)s au)to/n. *)epafro/ditos de\ ei)dw\s *nw/rakon po/lin *pannoni/as, h(=s o( poli/ths *nwra/kios, gi/nesqai i(storei= e)n *pannoni/a| si/dhron, o(\s a)konhqei\s lampro/tato/s e)stin. o(/qen kai\ nw/ropa/ fhsin ei)rh=sqai xalko/n, w(s ei)/ tis ei)/poi *nwra/kion.
[1] Similar glossing in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, and in the
scholia to
Iliad 2.578 (web address 1) and 7.206.
[2] This supplementary part of the entry draws on
Stephanus of
Byzantium s.v. Norakos.
[3] A grammarian, apparently a slave living in the time of Nero. All our knowledge of him is derived from
epsilon 2004, which see and further references and bibliography there.
[4] Pannonia was a Roman province occupying roughly the western half of present-day Hungary, adjoining a separate kingdom or province, Noricum, occupying roughly modern Austria. Noricum was indeed famous for steel weapons: Horace,
Odes 1.16.9 (web address 2), refers to "Noricus ensis" meaning a particularly sharp sword. As
nw=roy appears in
Homer (see above) it is impossible that this etymology is correct. See also
pi 206.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; geography; history; medicine; poetry; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Robert Leigh on 9 September 2009@16:34:52.
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