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Search results for nu,542 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,542
Translated headword: slothful, sleepy; coma, lethargy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who moves with difficulty.[1]
From the privative nw and the [verb] skai/rw ["I skip"], as if [to say] nw=skar, one who lacks the strength to skip; or also otherwise[2] one [who is] without breath and does not have spirit [kh=r], just as also nekro/s ["corpse"] [is] one [who is] deprived of spirit [kh=r], which is soul [yuxh/].[3]
Greek Original:*nw=kar: o( duski/nhtos. para\ to\ nw= sterhtiko\n kai\ to\ skai/rw, oi(onei\ nw=skar, o( mh\ skai/rein i)sxu/wn: h)\ kai\ a)/llws o( dh=qen ..... a)/yuxos kai\ mh\ e)/xwn kh=r, kaqa\ kai\ nekro\s o( e)sterhme/nos kh=ros, o(/per e)sti\n yuxh=s.
On the headword see generally LSJ s.v. It is attested as an adjective in lexica and grammars; as a (neuter) noun in
Theriaca 189.
According to Chantraine (citing Benveniste), the word is generally considered to be an archaic neuter noun in
-ar (like
o)/nar) with the vocalism
o, related to
ne/kus and
nekro/s. He suggests that the
o may originally have been short, and the lengthened vowel may have been influenced by
[1] Same glossing in ps.-Herodian 93 and, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon. The rest of the entry is found only in the margin of Suda ms M.
[2] Adler initially stated that 6-7 letters are lost at this point, but in her consolidated addenda and corrigenda she fills them with
o( dh=qen, translated here.
[3] Similar material in the
Etymologicum Magnum (599.48) and Herodian.
E. Benveniste, Origines de la formation des noms en indo-européen (Paris 1948) 18
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, ed. 2 (Paris 2009) 714
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; poetry
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 October 2009@01:04:42.
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