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Adler number: nu,515
Translated headword: Numa Pompilius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "The Romans elected him, even though he was not a native, after the interreges[1] and from their election entrusted the entire rule to him. And this man managed political affairs and was the first to invent the year, dividing the solar revolution into 12 months -- something which the Romans before him treated as a lump and completely irrationally; and he established sacred precincts and he placed the so-called Pontifices[2] and the Flamines in the role of priests, and also the Salii who practiced the dance.[3] He charged the Vestal Virgins[4] to have the care of the fire and water;[5] they had the highest honour amongst Romans and kept their virginity throughout their lives; and if one of them should lie with a man, she would be buried [sc. alive]; and on account of this they were not permitted to use unguent or flowers or clothing that was not white."[6]
Concerning Numa look in the [entry] 'chlamys'.[7] Concerning noummia look in the [entry] 'assaria'.[8] [Note] that the emperor Antoninus was the best and especially worthy to be compared with Numa considering the similar manner of their leadership.[9]
Greek Original:*nouma=s *pompi/lios: tou=ton oi( *(rwmai=oi kai\ mh\ e)pidh/mion o)/nta proeba/lonto meta\ tou\s mesobasilei=s kai\ au)tw=| pa=san th\n h(gemoni/an e)k probouleu/matos e)/dosan. kai\ ta\ politika\ e)/qh ou(=tos diw|- kh/sato e)niauto/n te prw=tos eu(/rato ei)s ib# mh=nas th\n h(liakh\n katanei/mas peri/odon, xu/dhn te kai\ a)katanoh/tws panta/pasi pro\ au)tou= para\ *(rwmai/ois ferome/nhn: i(era/ te kai\ teme/nh i(dru/sato kai\ tou\s legome/nous *ponti/fikas kai\ *flamini/ous toi=s i(ereu=sin e)pe/sthse *sali/ous te tou\s th\n o)/rxhsin a)skh/santas: ta/s te *(estia/das parqe/nous tou= puro\s kai\ u(/datos th\n e)pime/leian e)/xein e)pe/treyen: ai(\ th\n me\n a)/kran timh\n para\ *(rwmai/ois ei)=xon, dia\ bi/ou de\ th\n parqeni/an e)fu/latton: ka)/n tis au)tw=n h)ndrw/qh, katexw/nnuto: kai\ dia\ tou=to ou) mu/rw| ou)k a)/nqesin ou)x i(mati/w| xrh=sqai sunexwrou=nto, plh\n leukou=. zh/tei e)n tw=| xlamu\s peri\ *nouma=. peri\ noummi/wn zh/tei e)n tw=| a)ssa/ria. o(/ti *)antwni=nos o( basileu\s a)/ristos h)=n kai\ ma/lista *nouma=| kata\ to\ th=s h(gemoni/as o(moio/tropon a)/cios paraba/llesqai.
On Numa Pompilius, legendary second king of Rome (715-673 trad.) despite being reputedly a Sabine, see Andrew Drummond in OCD(4) s.v. 'Pompilius, Numa' (p.1181).
[1] The Greek is
mesobasilei=s. See
mu 664.
[2] See
pi 2047.
[3] They were called the "Salii" from Latin
salire ("to dance") and performed ritual dances in martial apparel. See Cyril Bailey and John North in OCD(4) s.v. 'Salii' (p.1310).
[4] See
alpha 4413 and
epsilon 3213.
[5] That is, keeping the sacred fire from going out and collecting water from a sacred spring.
[6] John of
Antioch fr.60.1 Roberto; see also Eutropius,
Breviarium 1.3, and Julius Africanus (ed. Gelzer) 2.379.
The cross-references which now follow appear only in ms M (=
Marcianus 448).
[7] See
chi 333.
[8] See
alpha 4126.
[9] See
alpha 2762 middle ("Antoninus").
Keywords: aetiology; biography; chronology; clothing; constitution; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; law; mathematics; military affairs; meter and music; politics; religion; science and technology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 April 2008@09:41:37.
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