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Search results for nu,509 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,509
Translated headword: Notos, south-west wind
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the wind [sc. of that name].[1] Also [sc. attested is] *noto/qen ["south-westerly"], [meaning] from [the] south-west.[2]
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] *no/ton kau/swna ["south-western heat"].[3]
The etymology of *no/tos [is] from the [verb] o)nw=, [future] o)no/sw, the one [which means] I blame and I harm; or from the [noun] noti/s, which is moisture. But more cleverly he understood who said that it is Attic for no/sos ["disease"], as by comparison with *borra=s ["Boreas, north wind"] which is suitable for health.[4]
Greek Original:*no/tos: o( a)/nemos. kai\ *noto/qen, a)po\ *no/tou. kai\ *no/ton kau/swna. e)tumologi/a no/tou para\ to\ o)nw=, o)no/sw, to\ me/mfomai kai\ bla/ptw: h)\ para\ th\n noti/da, o(/ e)stin u(grasi/an. a)steio/teron de\ e)pe/balen o( ei)pw\n au)to\n *)attikh\n ei)=nai no/son, w(s pro\s su/gkrisin tou= *borra=, eu)qe/tou o)/ntos pro\s u(gi/eian.
[1] cf. ps.-Herodian 93 and (according to Adler)
Ambrosian Lexicon 330.
*no/toqen occurs in e.g.
Plato's will, as quoted by
Diogenes Laertius (3.41-42, twice); used there as a topographical marker, of one piece of land bordering another on that side. Also attested in astronomical texts. Adler indicates the rest of this entry as interpolation.
[3] The source of this phrase (in the accusative case) is unknown.
[4] cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 607.39. The verb cited as
o)nw= is
o)/nomai "I find fault." On Boreas the north wind, see
beta 390. Needless to say,
no/tos is not Attic for
no/sos (on which see
nu 495).
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 October 2009@01:46:08.
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