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Search results for nu,501 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,501
Translated headword: homecoming
Vetting Status: high
Translation: In common use [meaning] "sweetening," in reference to foods.[1] As if from the return and coming back to one's home; from the sweetness of the homeland. For nothing is sweeter than one's fatherland, according to
Homer.[2] But from
no/stos in the customary usage comes
no/stimon "pleasant,"[3] and Eunostos, a certain god, they say, of milling. But the poetic
no/stos comes from the [verb]
ne/w: as, "Now since I shall indeed not go home [...]." That is, I do not return.[4] There is also a verb
nostw=, from which come compounds
palinostw= ["I return"] and
a)ponostw= ["I come home"].[5]
Greek Original:*no/stos: para\ th=| sunhqei/a| o( glukasmo/s, e)pi\ tw=n e)desma/twn. w(s a)po\ th=s oi)/kade a)nakomidh=s kai\ a)nastrofh=s: para\ to\ th=s patri/dos gluku/. ou)de\n ga\r glu/kion h(=s patri/dos, kaq' *(/omhron. e)k de\ tou= kata\ th\n sunh/qeian no/stou kai\ no/stimon, to\ h(du/. kai\ *eu)/nostos, qeo/s tis, fasi/n, e)pimu/lios. o( de\ poihtiko\s no/stos para\ to\ ne/w gi/netai. oi(=on, nu=n d' e)pei\ ou) ne/omai ge. h)/goun ou)k e)pane/rxomai. e)/sti de\ kai\ r(h=ma nostw=, ou(= su/nqeta palinostw= kai\ a)ponostw=.
[1] The lexicographer is distinguishing between the "poetic" meaning ("homecoming") and the "common" meaning ("sweetening, flavor"). See already
nu 500.
Odyssey 9.34; cf.
alpha 2571.
[3] The adjective
no/stimos meant both "able/likely to return home," and, in the case of plants, "yielding a high return, productive," or "nutritious, wholesome, palatable." See LSJ at web address 1 below, note on
nu 500, and Chantraine's discussion.
Iliad 18.101. For
ne/omai, which does not occur in the active, see
nu 133,
nu 134,
nu 293.
[5] See LSJ at web address 2 and web address 3 below. See also
pi 102.
Pierre Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, 744-5
Pierre Chantraine, "Grec *nostimo/s," Revue de Philologie 67 (1941) 129-133
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; food; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 January 2001@13:56:39.
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