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Adler number: nu,50
Translated headword: Nauatos, Novatus, Novatian
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man, being an elder of the Church in Rome, was separated [from it] when the bishop Cornelius received into communion the faithful who had sacrificed[1] in the persecution which the emperor Decius had stirred up against the church.[2] So having been separated for this reason and having been appointed to the bishopric by the bishops who agreed with him,[3] he wrote to the churches everywhere that they should not accept those who had sacrificed into their sacraments, but they should urge them towards repentance but leave their forgiveness to God, who was able and had the authority to forgive sins. [Those] throughout the provinces who received such letters made their decisions on the things set forth in accordance with their personal leanings. For as he indicated that it was not right to regard those who had committed mortal sin after baptism as worthy of the sacraments, to some his exposition of the canon seemed to be stringent and harsh, but others accepted it as just and ensuring properly governed life. With this [issue] stirred up to such an extent, letters followed from Cornelius the bishop which announced forgiveness for those who had sinned after baptism. So with both of them sending contradictory [orders] and each corroborating what he said from the scriptures, each man reverted to his own personal leaning and to that which he had previously been inclined. For as many as delighted in sin, latching on to the forgiveness that was granted then and also for the future, made use of it for every sort of sin.[4]
But Novatus was a martyr in the time when the emperor Valens was stirring up persecution against the Christians.[5]
Greek Original:*naua/tos: ou(=tos presbu/teros w)\n th=s e)n *(rw/mh| e)kklhsi/as diekri/qh, e)peidh\ *kornh/lios o( e)pi/skopos tou\s e)piqu/santas pistou\s e)n tw=| diwgmw=|, o(\n o( basileu\s *de/kios kata\ th=s e)kklhsi/as e)ki/nhsen, ei)s koinwni/an e)de/cato. dia\ tau/thn ou)=n th\n ai)ti/an diakriqei\s kai\ ei)s e)piskoph\n para\ tw=n sumfronhsa/ntwn au)tw=| e)pisko/pwn proxeirisqei\s tai=s pantaxou= e)kklhsi/ais e)/grafe, mh\ de/xesqai tou\s e)pitequko/tas ei)s ta\ musth/ria, a)lla\ protre/pein me\n au)tou\s ei)s meta/noian, th\n de\ sugxw/rhsin e)pitre/pein qew=|, tw=| duname/nw| kai\ e)cousi/an e)/xonti sugxwrei=n a(marth/mata. toiau/tas e)pistola\s kat' e)parxi/as dexo/menoi pro\s ta\ oi)kei=a h)/qh e)poiou=nto tw=n dhloume/nwn ta\s kri/seis. w(s ga\r e)kei=nos e)dh/lou mh\ dei=n a)ciou=sqai tw=n musthri/wn tou\s meta\ to\ ba/ptisma ei)s qa/naton a(marti/an pepoihko/tas, toi=s me\n e)do/kei pikra\ kai\ a)phnh\s ei)=nai h( tou= kano/nos e)/kqesis, oi( de\ w(s di/kaion au)to\n kai\ o)rqou=nta th\n politei/an e)de/xonto. e)n tosou/tw| de\ tou/tou kinoume/nou, e)pikatalamba/nei *kornhli/ou tou= e)pisko/pou gra/mmata, toi=s meta\ to\ ba/ptisma h(marthko/sin e)paggello/mena th\n sugxw/rhsin. ou(/tw de\ a)mfote/rwn e)pistello/ntwn ta)nanti/a kai\ e)k tw=n qei/wn o)xurou/ntwn a(\ e(ka/teros e)/legen, e(/kastos kat' e)/qos e)s tou=to e)/treyen, e)s o(\ kai\ pro/teron ma=llon e)pe/klinen. o(/soi ga\r filamarth/mones draca/menoi th=s to/te doqei/shs sugxwrh/sews kai\ ei)s to\n e)/peita xro/non e)pi\ pa/shs a(marti/as au)th=| sunexrh/santo. a)lla\ *naua/tos e)pi\ *ou)a/lentos tou= basile/ws diwgmo\n kinh/santos kata\ *xristianw=n e)martu/rhsen.
This is not the laxist Novatus of Carthage, but the rigorist Novatian after whom the heresy of Novatianism was called (see
nu 51); the name used in Greek is the same for both. Both lived in the 3rd century A.D.
[1] The so-called "Lapsi" who had sacrificed to pagan gods to stay alive.
[2] cf.
delta 193.
[3] This may be referring to the establishment of Novatian as anti-pope (c. 251).
[4] Socrates,
Historia Ecclesiastica 4.28 (translation at web address 1).
[5] The only known martyr named "Novatus" died about 150 A.D., more than two centuries before the rule of Valens (364-378). However, as an Arian, Valens persecuted all the Homoousians, which included Novatians. A misunderstanding of this point may be the source of the present claim. On Valens, see
omicron 764.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 10 April 2008@04:04:07.
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