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Search results for nu,495 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,495
Translated headword: illness, disease, sickness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [... the most illustrious physicians say] that being feverish or being chilled, we perceive in our illnesses, not the sensory nerves or the heated flesh themselves, but the fluids of both blood and breath.[1] Now, since the sensitive faculty resides primarily in flesh and nerves, it is plausible that, since fluids are hard to control (I mean breath and blood), and are juxtaposed with the sensory parts, we apprehend them by touch, just like the air which is heated or chilled [...] even if fever takes hold of the solid [parts] themselves, since they are warmed not evenly, but unevenly. For there are some parts that are [warmed] according to nature, and others contrary to nature. Sometimes what is [warmed] according to nature prevails over what is disposed contrary to nature. For it is impossible for a bad temperament to become uniform. But those who are possessed by a chronic fever, that is those whose solid [bodily] parts have become fevered (a bad temperament in them arising uniformly throughout the whole of the solid [bodily] parts), take no awareness of warmth in themselves, because warmth is uniform through all the parts, and one part is not active and the other part passive.
Ailment is different from illness. Search also under [the entry] 'ailment'.[2]
Greek Original:*no/sos: o(/ti puretto/ntwn h)\ yuxome/nwn e)n tai=s no/sois e(autw=n ai)sqano/meqa, ou)k au)tw=n tw=n ai)sqhtikw=n neu/rwn h)\ tw=n sarkw=n teqermasme/nwn, a)lla\ tw=n u(grw=n ai(/mato/s te kai\ pneu/matos. e)pei\ ou)=n h( ai)sqhtikh\ du/namis prw/tws e)n sarci/n e)sti kai\ neu/rois, ei)ko/tws tw=n u(grw=n duskra/tws e)xo/ntwn, pneu/matos le/gw kai\ ai(/matos, parakeime/nwn te toi=s ai)sqhtikoi=s mori/ois th=| qi/cei a)ntilambano/meqa au)tw=n, w(/sper kai\ tou= a)e/ros teqermasme/nou h)\ kateyugme/nou. ka)\n au)tw=n de\ tw=n sterew=n a(/yhtai o( pureto/s, e)peidh\ mh\ o(malw=s qermai/netai, a)lla\ a)nwma/lws: ei)si\ ga/r tina mo/ria kata\ fu/sin e)/xonta, tina\ de\ para\ fu/sin: sumbai/nei ta\ kata\ fu/sin e)/xonta a)ntilamba/nesqai tw=n para\ fu/sin diakeime/nwn: a)du/naton ga\r o(malh\n gene/sqai th\n duskrasi/an. oi( de\ e(ktikw=| katesxhme/noi puretw=|, tou=to de/ e)stin oi( ta\ sterea\ pure/ttontes, o(malh=s genome/nhs e)n au)toi=s th=s duskrasi/as di' o(/lwn tw=n sterew=n sunai/sqhsin ou)demi/an th=s e)n au)toi=s qermasi/as lamba/nousi, dia\ to\ o(malh\n ei)=nai di' o(/lwn tw=n mori/wn th\n qermasi/an kai\ mh\ ei)=nai to\ me\n poiou=n, to\ de\ pa/sxon. a)rrw/sthma nosh/matos diafe/rei: kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| a)rrw/sthma.
This entry is largely taken (with some minor variations) from John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 293.4-21; cf. Charlton (99-100).
Aristotle considers the problem of why there is no sensation of the senses themselves at
de anima 417a2-8; cf. Barnes (663).
alpha 3997.
W. Charlton, trans., Philoponus: On Aristotle On the Soul 2.1-6, (London, 2014)
J. Barnes, ed., The Complete Works of Aristotle, vol. I, J.A.Smith, trans., 'On the soul', (Princeton, NJ, 1984)
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 3 June 2004@13:00:07.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 4 June 2004@01:56:19.
David Whitehead (further cosmetics) on 4 June 2004@03:37:34.
David Whitehead on 17 June 2013@05:44:11.
David Whitehead (coding) on 19 May 2016@05:56:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 23 November 2020@00:28:58.
Catharine Roth (more tweaks) on 23 November 2020@00:36:49.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, with suggestions from Ron Allen) on 21 December 2020@00:33:46.
Catharine Roth (more tweaks, again using Ron Allen's suggestions) on 22 December 2020@00:21:22.
Ronald Allen (expanded primary note, added note, added bibliography) on 29 December 2020@16:38:59.
Ronald Allen (expanded n.1, expanded bibliography) on 29 December 2020@20:03:50.
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