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Search results for nu,489 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,489
Translated headword: nones
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning certain days] of the month.
They [come] right after the kalends, or rather after the first of the new month; that is, the second of the month.[1] After the nones [are] the ides. It seems that the
annonae ["grain doles"] are named after them, since they are distributed on the nones.[2]
One should note that there is also a proper name '
Nonnus'; [that of] a man of Panopolis, in Egypt, a very learned man;[3] he is the one who also[4] paraphrased the chaste Theologian[5] in epic verse.
Greek Original:*no/nnai: tou= mhno/s. ai( eu)qu\s meta\ ta\s kala/ndas, h)/goun meta\ th\n prw/thn th=s noumhni/as, deute/ra dhladh\ tou= mhno/s. meq' a(\s no/nnas ai( ei)doi/. dokou=si de\ par' au)ta\s gene/sqai ai( a)no/nnai, w(s oi(=on ai( a)na\ ta\s no/nnas dido/menai. i)ste/on de\ w(s e)/sti kai\ *no/nnos ku/rion, *panopoli/ths, e)c *ai)gu/ptou, logiw/tatos: o( kai\ to\n parqe/non *qeolo/gon parafra/sas di' e)pw=n.
Transliteration of Latin
[1] Not the second day, but the second reference point in the Roman calendrical system: in March, July, October, May the ides are on the fifteenth day, the nones the seventh; all besides have two less days for nones and ides.
[2] For the
annonae see
alpha 2595.
[3] Mid C5 AD. See generally OCD4
Nonnus (p.1020).
[4] In the clause ὁ καὶ τὸν παρθένον Θεολόγον παραφράσας δι’ ἐπῶν, the conjunction καί clearly acts as an ‘additive marker’ (see S.E. Rounge,
Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament: A Practical Introduction for Teaching and Exegesis (Peabody, MA) 337–348; cf. LSJ, s.v., B.2.), that is, "he is the one who also paraphrased the chaste Theologian in epic verse," not just "he is the one who paraphrased ...." But if καί does mean ‘also’, it must hint at other works of
Nonnus of Panopolis of which
Eustathius of Thessalonica, who added this marginal gloss in
Marcianus gr. 448 (coll. 1047), was aware and to which the first part of the Suda's marginal gloss may allude. Perhaps the epithet λογιώτατος, which
Eustathius applies to
Homer in a note on Book 5 of the
Iliad (511.18–19, II, 1.13–14 van der Valk: καὶ δεικνύει οὕτως ὁ λογιώτατος Ὅμηρος, οἷα ὁ λόγος δύναται), and borrows from
Herodotus (3.1) in his commentary on
Dionysius Periegetes (GGM II, 258.36–38: Λέγει δὲ καὶ Ἡρόδοτος πρώτους ἀνθρώπων Αἰγυπτίους ἐξευρεῖν τὸν ἐνιαυτὸν, καὶ ὅτι τῶν Αἰγυπτίων οἱ Ἡλιουπολῖται λογιώτατοι), refers to the
Dionysiaca, the huge and learned poem on Dionysus written by
[5] That is, the
Gospel according to John. It refers to
Paraphrase of St John's Gospel.
D. Accorinti, ‘Nonnos von Panopolis’, in RAC 25 (2013) 1107–1129.
— ‘The Poet from Panopolis: An Obscure Biography and a Controversial Figure’, in id. (ed.), Brill’s Companion to Nonnus of Panopolis (Leiden/Boston, 2016) 11–53.
— ‘Photius, the Suda, and Eustathius: Eloquent Silences and Omissions in the Reception of Nonnus’ Work in Byzantine Literature’, in F. Doroszewski/K. Jażdżewska (eds.), Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III: Old Questions and New Perspectives (Leiden/Boston, 2020).
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; meter and music; poetry; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 21 March 2001@00:42:39.
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