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Search results for nu,485 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,485
Translated headword: law
Vetting Status: high
Translation: According to the Apostle [the term] 'law' has 4 meanings: 'the [law] of God', about which he says: "for I delight in the law of God". [A second meaning is the law] that is opposed [to the law of God]. [There is a] third [meaning of law], about which he says: "[my members fight against] the law of my mind"; and a fourth [meaning], about which he says: "the law which is in my members".[1]
[Note] that the Athenians called 'axles' the laws of
Solon, because they had been written on wooden axles. They were square in shape but, according to some people, they were triangular.[2]
Greek Original:*no/mos kata\ to\n *)apo/stolon shmai/nei d#: o( tou= qeou=: peri\ ou(= fhsi: sunh/domai ga\r tw=| no/mw| tou= qeou=. kai\ o( a)ntistrateuo/menos. tri/tos, peri\ ou(= fhsi: tw=| no/mw| tou= noo/s mou. te/tartos, peri\ ou(= le/gei: tw=| no/mw| tw=| o)/nti e)n toi=s me/lesi/ mou. o(/ti tou\s tou= *so/lwnos no/mous a)/conas *)aqhnai=oi e)ka/lesan dia\ to\ e)ggrafh=nai au)tou\s e)n culi/nois a)/cosin. h)=san de\ tetra/gwnoi to\ sxh=ma, kata\ de/ tinas ma=llon tri/gwnoi.
For this headword see also
nu 478,
nu 480,
nu 481,
nu 482,
nu 483,
nu 484,
nu 486.
Romans 7.22-23. St.Paul’s text in its context reads: "I delight in the law of God after the inward man. But I am aware that another law in my members fights against the law of my mind, and makes me captive to the law of sin which is in my members".
[2] From
alpha 2833 and
kappa 2744; see also
sigma 776.
Keywords: botany; Christianity; definition; ethics; history; imagery; law; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 30 June 2004@21:47:20.
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