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Adler number: nu,481
Translated headword: law
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Law] means three things: (1) The [law] was given to men through creation apart from the Scriptures; for what is invisible of God is clearly seen, [being] understood by the things that are made.[1] (2) And elsewhere: "for even when the Gentiles have not the law, they are a law for themselves".[2] And [there is the law] that is offered through
Moses in the Scriptures for the sake of those who transgress [it]. And (3) the third [kind of law is the one] through grace. "For the law of the Spirit of life released me from the law of sin and of death".[3]
Greek Original:*no/mos: tri/a shmai/nei: o( me\n ga\r di/xa gramma/twn dia\ kti/sews e)do/qh toi=s a)nqrw/pois: to\ ga\r a)o/raton tou= qeou= toi=s poih/masi noou/menon kaqora=tai. kai\ pa/lin: o(/tan ga\r e)/qnh ta\ mh\ no/mon e)/xonta, ou(=toi e(autoi=s ei)si no/mos. kai\ o( e)n gra/mmasi dia\ *mwse/ws tw=n paraba/ntwn xa/rin paresxhme/nos. kai\ tri/tos o( dia\ th=s xa/ritos: o( ga\r no/mos tou= pneu/matos th=s zwh=s h)leuqe/rwse/ me a)po\ tou= no/mou th=s a(marti/as kai\ tou= qana/tou.
For this headword see also
nu 480,
nu 484,
nu 485. The present entry derives from Theodoret (PG 80, 989cd) on
Psalm 18.1
Romans 1.20: "for the invisible things of Him (sc. God) out of the creation of the world are seen, being understood by the things that are made".
Romans 2.14: "for when the Gentiles, having not the law, do by nature the things proper to the law, these, even not having the law, are a law for themselves".
Romans 8.2 (omitting 'in Christ Jesus').
Keywords: Christianity; definition; ethics; law; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 July 2004@10:28:48.
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