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Adler number: nu,477
Translated headword: Nomos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Nomos] and Januarius, I suppose, surpassing the citizens in fairness and justice and practically all other men now living and involved in reversed political circumstances, were approved and esteemed by citizens and aliens. For they had become most worthy to the country and most kindly to the aliens. Having preferred the calm and simple life, they preferred their own possessions to be fewer rather than to have more than others. These aspects, then, were common to them; individually, Nomos was more clever and more fond of learning in treatises[1] for those desiring a taste of philosophy and such as do introductory teaching of the young. And of the highly respected men among us he was most discerning of the good and bad literary qualities of all poems and compositions. In sum, I would say that both Severianus[2] and Agapius,[3] the philosopher, were not of the same level in literary criticism. Januarius, on the other hand, was more versed and sensible in political affairs than his brother, Nomos, and more temperate and ordered in other matters.
Greek Original:*no/mos kai\ *)iannoua/rios e)pieiki/a| kai\ dikaiosu/nh| tw=n politw=n u(perfe/rontes, oi)=mai, kai\ tw=n a)/llwn sxedo\n a(pa/ntwn a)nqrw/pwn tw=n ge nu=n zw/ntwn kai\ e)n pra/gmasi politikoi=s a)nastrefome/nwn, e)ph|nou=nto kai\ h)gapw=nto pro/s te a)stw=n kai\ ce/nwn: th=| te ga\r patri/di xrhsimw/tatoi gego/nasi kai\ deciw/tatoi pro\s tou\s ce/nous. e(lo/menoi to\n h(su/xion kai\ a)pra/gmona bi/on e)lattou=sqai ma=llon h(|rou=nto ta\ oi)kei=a h)\ ple/on ti e)/xein a)po\ tw=n a)llotri/wn. koina\ me\n ou)=n tau=ta au)toi=s: i)di/a| de\ o( me\n *no/mos eu)fue/steros h)=n kai\ filomaqe/steros e)n lo/gois, toi=s te filosofi/as a)pogeu/esqai boulome/nois kai\ o(/soi propaideu/ousi tou\s ne/ous. h)=n de\ kai\ kritikw/tatos tw=n kaq' h(ma=s e)llogi/mwn a)ndrw=n, poihma/twn te pa/ntwn kai\ suggramma/twn th=s logografikh=s a)reth=s kai\ kaki/as. w(s gou=n fa/nai to\ o(/lon, ou)/te *sebhriano\n ou)/te *)aga/pion to\n filo/sofon ei)/poimi a)\n gene/sqai toiou/sde peri\ lo/gwn kri/sin. o( de\ *)iannoua/rios e)mpeiropra/gmwn h)=n kai\ fro/nimos e)n toi=s politikoi=s e)pi\ ple/on h)\ o( a)delfo\s au)tou= *no/mos, e)/ti de\ swfrone/steros kai\ ta\ a)/lla ma=llon tetagme/nos.
Life of Isidore fr. 284 Zintzen.
Cf. generally
upsilon 166, end, where the names Agapios, Severianos, and Nomos are conjoined. An incomplete version of this entry has been published in
Alexandria 2; see bibliography.
[1] The Greek term is the vague 'logoi'.
[2] cf.
sigma 180, again from
[3] cf.
alpha 157,
alpha 158,
upsilon 166.
"The Life of Hypatia from the Suda," translated by Jeremiah Reedy, Alexandria 2, pp. 57-58. Ed. David Fideler, Phanes Press 1993
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; philosophy; poetry; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Nathan Greenberg ✝ on 6 October 2002@09:51:45.
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