*nomoqe/tai: par' *)aqhnai/ois prw=tos e)ge/neto *dra/kwn kai\ met' au)to\n *so/lwn kai\ meta\ tou=ton *qalh=s kai\ meta\ tou=ton *ai)sxu/los.
The sequence starts well enough (for Drakon see
delta 1495; for
sigma 776,
sigma 777,
sigma 779), but
Thales was not an Athenian (see
theta 17) and the tragedian
Aeschylus (
alphaiota 357) not, in any reasonable sense, a lawgiver. Some enlightenment comes from the fuller version of all this in Joannes Malalas,
Chronographia p.72 Dindorf, where "
Aeschylus" turns out to be one of the early Athenian kings; but the chronology is all over the place (and
Thales "the Milesian" is still part of it).
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