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Search results for nu,455 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,455
Translated headword: nomarchs
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the officials concerned with taxes of the territory amongst Egyptians; [the ones] who were [sc. created] under
Ptolemy, the successor of Philip's son Alexander.[1]
Greek Original:*noma/rxai: oi( kata\ te/lh th=s xw/ras a)/rxontes par' *ai)gupti/ois: oi(\ h)=san e)pi\ *ptolemai/ou tou= meta\ *)ale/candron to\n *fili/ppou.
The precise definition does relate to the period specified, but see LSJ s.v. for earlier and looser attestations (e.g. in
[1] i.e.
Ptolemy I Soter, ruled 323-282.
Keywords: chronology; constitution; definition; economics; geography; historiography; history; law
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 October 2005@09:31:14.
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