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Search results for nu,450 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,450
Translated headword: nomads
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] tended herds.[1]
Also [meaning] Scythian peoples. For "Straton wanders among nomad Scythians". [So says]
Aristophanes.[2] In reference to those being annoying and staying around -- since the Scythians, on account of the intolerability of the winter, put[3] [their] things upon wagons and depart to another country. But if one does not have a wagon there, he is judged dishonored amongst them. So this man is saying that he too is being bothered. This [is what] he says: "we are suffering a sickness the opposite to Sakas". [So says]
Aristophanes.[4] This Sakas was a tragic poet; so he was called on account of his being a foreigner.[4]
But perhaps [he was] also a barbarian;[5] for the Saka [are] a barbarian people, from whom [come]
sake ["convex shields"], according to some.[6]
The same
Aristophanes [goes on to say]: "for he, although no citizen, is forcing his way in; but we, honored in tribe and clan, citizens among citizens, with no scarecrow scaring us off, we have flown away from our country 'with both feet'". That is, with all [our] might.[7]
Greek Original:*noma/des: bosko/menai a)ge/lai. kai\ e)/qnh *skuqika/. noma/desi ga\r e)n *sku/qais a)la=tai *stra/twn. *)aristofa/nhs. e)pi\ tw=n parenoxlou/ntwn kai\ e)pimeno/ntwn. e)peidh\ oi( *sku/qai tw=| xeimw=ni dia\ to\ a)fo/rhton au)tou= e)f' a(macw=n ta\ pra/gmata ba/llontes a)pairou=sin ei)s a)/llhn xw/ran. o( de\ mh\ e)/xwn e)kei=se a(/macan, a)/timos par' au)toi=s kri/netai. fhsi\n ou)=n kai\ ou(=tos e)noxlou/menos. tou=to/ fhsi, no/son nosou=men th\n e)nanti/an *sa/ka|. *)aristofa/nhs. o( de\ *sa/kas ou(=tos tragw|di/as h)=n poihth/s: ou(/tw de\ e)kalei=to dia\ to\ ce/nos ei)=nai. i)/sws de\ kai\ ba/rbaros: oi( ga\r *sa/kai ba/rbaron e)/qnos, e)c w(=n ta\ sa/kh kata/ tinas. o( au)to\s *)aristofa/nhs: o( me\n ga\r w)\n ou)k a)sto\s ei)sbia/zetai: h(mei=s de\ fulh=| kai\ ge/nei timw/menoi, a)stoi\ met' a)stw=n, ou) sobou=ntos ou)deno/s, a)nepto/mesq' e)k th=s patri/dos a)mfoi=n podoi=n. toute/sti panti\ sqe/nei.
nu 451,
nu 452.
[1] Likewise in other lexica, beginning with
Hesychius; see the references at
Photius nu237 Theodoridis. The headword itself, a nominative plural, must be quoted from somewhere where it has (or can have) this specific sense; see generally LSJ s.v., II.
Birds 941-2 (web address 1); more fully at
upsilon 701. The material which now follows comes from the
scholia there. (It is not certain, however, that Straton here is a proper name; it might be the genitive plural of the noun
stratos. See the commentary in Dunbar ad loc., where this alternative is advocated.)
[3] cf. LSJ s.v.
ba/llw, A.II.6.
Birds 31. According to the
scholia there, the actual name of this "Sakas" (cf.
alpha 808 and
sigma 33) was Akestor.
[5] i.e., non Greek-speaking.
[6] (This material is a marginal addition in some mss.) cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 707.35.
Birds 32-35; see web address 2. The
scholia to line 35 clarify the final two words,
a)mfoi=n podoi=n; literally "with both feet," idiomatically "as fast as we could go" (cf. LSJ
pou/s A.6.f).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; medicine; military affairs; poetry; trade and manufacture; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Timothy Pepper on 25 April 2001@07:15:50.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (internal rearrangement; added keyword; other cosmetics) on 24 May 2001@06:47:59.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 April 2011@08:47:37.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 2 May 2011@11:46:25.
David Whitehead (augmented n.1; more x-refs and keywords; tweaking) on 17 June 2013@03:09:26.
David Whitehead (coding) on 19 May 2016@05:18:54.
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